Information System on International Labour Standards

Freedom of association cases

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  1. Case No 3446 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 08-MAY-23Workers United, a trade union affiliated with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
  2. Case No 3394 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 07-OCT-20the American Federation of Labor & Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
  3. Case No 2741 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 10-NOV-09Transport Workers Union of America AFL–CIO (TWUA) and Transport Workers Union of Greater New York, AFL–CIO, Local 100 (Local 100)The complainants allege that state legislation bars all strikes in the public sector, imposes excessive penalties on illegal strikes and severely restricts the right to bargain collectively of transport workers in the public sector through compulsory arbitration
  4. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 373, October 2014 ( 21 - 24 )
  5. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 362, November 2011 ( 740 - 775 )
  6. Case No 2683 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 04-DEC-08Association of Flight Attendants – Communications Workers of America (AFA–CWA) and American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) Acts of anti-union discrimination against flight attendants at Delta Air Lines and insufficient protection of their rights to organize
  7. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 357, June 2010 ( 430 - 590 )
  8. Case No 2608 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 26-OCT-07American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
  9. Case No 2547 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 26-FEB-07United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW) and American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)The complainants allege that a decision of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) denying graduate teaching and research assistants at private universities the right under the National Labor Relations Act to engage in organizing or collective bargaining is contrary to freedom of association principles
  10. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 381, March 2017 ( 33 - 35 )
  11. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 373, October 2014 ( 17 - 20 )
  12. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 371, March 2014 ( 54 - 58 )
  13. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 362, November 2011 ( 62 - 64 )
  14. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 356, March 2010 ( 73 - 75 )
  15. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 350, June 2008 ( 732 - 805 )
  16. Case No 2524 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 20-OCT-06American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)The complainants allege that in three recent decisions the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) set out a new expanded interpretation of the definition of “supervisor” so as to exclude large categories of workers from the protection of the right to organize and bargain collectively under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), with severe repercussions on tens of thousands of workers who had previously been covered by the NLRA
  17. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 356, March 2010 ( 70 - 72 )
  18. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 349, March 2008 ( 794 - 858 )
  19. Case No 2460 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 07-DEC-05The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) supported by Public Services International (PSI) The complainants allege that the legislation of North Carolina expressly prohibits the making of any collective agreement between cities, towns, municipalities or the State and any labour or trade union in the public sector, thus violating ILO principles on collective bargaining. They also allege that the Government violates ILO freedom of association principles by frustrating the very purpose of forming workers’ organizations
  20. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 373, October 2014 ( 14 - 16 )
  21. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 362, November 2011 ( 58 - 61 )
  22. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 356, March 2010 ( 67 - 69 )
  23. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 351, November 2008 ( 67 - 72 )
  24. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 344, March 2007 ( 940 - 999 )
  25. Case No 2309 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 06-NOV-03Union Network International (UNI) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
  26. Case No 2292 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 14-AUG-03The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), AFL-CIO supported by Public Services International (PSI) The complainants allege a successive use of executive orders, as well as the recent passage of legislation and preparation of draft laws which exempt a variety of federal employees from the basic rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining
  27. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 368, June 2013 ( 27 - 29 )
  28. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 362, November 2011 ( 53 - 57 )
  29. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 351, November 2008 ( 42 - 66 )
  30. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 343, November 2006 ( 705 - 798 )
  31. Case No 2227 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 18-OCT-02The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and the Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM) The complainants allege that, following the Supreme Court decision in the case of Hoffman Plastic Compounds v. National Labor Relations Board, on the basis of their immigration status, millions of workers have lost the only protection that had been available to ensure respect for their freedom of association rights
  32. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 362, November 2011 ( 49 - 52 )
  33. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 356, March 2010 ( 61 - 66 )
  34. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 353, March 2009 ( 87 - 95 )
  35. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 348, November 2007 ( 79 - 89 )
  36. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 340, March 2006 ( 90 - 97 )
  37. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - Report No 335, November 2004 ( 82 - 87 )
  38. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 332, November 2003 ( 551 - 613 )
  39. Case No 2026 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 18-MAY-99The International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM) and the United Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO/CLC (USWA)Infringements of the right to strike; hiring of substitute workers for strikers
  40. Case No 1557 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 26-OCT-90The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and the Public Services International (PSI)
  41. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 291, November 1993 ( 247 - 285 )
  42. Interim Report - Report No 284, November 1992 ( 758 - 813 )
  43. Case No 1543 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 27-JUL-90The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
  44. Definitive Report - Report No 278, June 1991 ( 60 - 93 )
  45. Case No 1523 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 05-MAR-90The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW), the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees (FIET)
  46. Definitive Report - Report No 284, November 1992 ( 138 - 199 )
  48. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 262, March 1989 ( 203 - 229 )
  49. Case No 1437 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 12-FEB-88THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR AND CONGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATIONS (AFL-CIO)Anti-union acts
  50. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 256, June 1988 ( 214 - 237 )
  52. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 259, November 1988 ( 219 - 235 )
  53. Case No 1416 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 25-JUN-87THE UNITED INDUSTRY WORKERS' LOCAL 424 (UIW)
  54. Definitive Report - Report No 254, March 1988 ( 58 - 86 )
  56. Definitive Report - Report No 253, November 1987 ( 42 - 58 )
  57. Case No 1265 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 01-FEB-84The Workers' Central Union of Cuba (CTC)
  58. Case No 1143 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 14-JUN-82WORLD FEDERATION OF TEACHERS' UNIONS
  59. Definitive Report - Report No 218, November 1982 ( 48 - 58 )
  60. Case No 1130 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 16-APR-82The Capitol Employees Organising Group (CEOG)
  61. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 248, March 1987 ( 273 - 298 )
  62. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 233, March 1984 ( 137 - 160 )
  63. Interim Report - Report No 230, November 1983 ( 459 - 474 )
  64. Interim Report - Report No 218, November 1982 ( 737 - 750 )
  66. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 211, November 1981 ( 342 - 372 )
  67. Case No 898 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 18-NOV-77THE WORLD FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS
  68. Definitive Report - Report No 177, June 1978 ( 20 - 25 )
  69. Case No 807 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 28-NOV-74THE WORLD CONFEDERATION OF LABOUR
  70. Definitive Report - Report No 157, June 1976 ( 60 - 69 )
  71. Interim Report - Report No 151, November 1975 ( 179 - 184 )
  72. Case No 705 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 25-JUL-72International Federation of Teachers' Trade Unions (Prague)
  73. Case No 639 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 05-AUG-70World Confederation of Labour
  74. Definitive Report - Report No 123, 1971 ( 8 - 15 )
  75. Case No 627 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 21-APR-70International Federation of Free Teachers' Unions
  76. Definitive Report - Report No 127, 1972 ( 48 - 58 )
  77. Case No 580 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 13-FEB-69World Federation of Trade Unions
  78. Definitive Report - Report No 131, 1972 ( 25 - 29 )
  79. Case No 440 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 04-MAY-65The Uruguayan Trade Union Action (4 May 1965), the Bolivian Trade Union Action (6 May 1965), the Democratic Christian Trade Union Movement of Argentina (6 May 1965) and the Authentic Labour Front of Mexico (18 May 1965)
  80. Case No 430 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 27-FEB-65The Latin American Confederation of Christian Trade Unionists
  81. Definitive Report - Report No 86, 1966 ( 35 - 58 )
  82. Case No 212 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 21-NOV-59The World Federation of Trade Unions
  83. Definitive Report - Report No 45, 1960 ( 69 - 81 )
  84. Case No 173 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 30-JAN-58The Federation of Greek Maritime Unions (Cardiff)
  85. Definitive Report - Report No 30, 1960 ( 46 - 62 )
  86. Case No 164 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 08-MAY-57The Federation of Greek Maritime Unions (Cardiff)
  87. Definitive Report - Report No 27, 1958 ( 54 - 59 )
  88. Case No 138 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 23-MAY-56The Federation of Greek Maritime Unions (New York and Cardiff)
  89. Definitive Report - Report No 25, 1957 ( 17 - 53 )
  90. Case No 114 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 27-SEP-54The United Railroad Operating Crafts
  91. Definitive Report - Report No 15, 1955 ( 36 - 64 )
  92. Case No 95 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 01-JAN-54The National Federation of Maritime Trade Unions (C.G.T, France), the Trade Unions International of Transport, Port and Fishery Workers (W.F.T.U), the Federation of Greek Maritime Unions and the Transport Workers' Union of Czechoslovakia
  93. Definitive Report - Report No 14, 1954 ( 32 - 56 )
  94. Case No 89 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 01-DEC-53The Trade Unions International of Postal, Telegraph, Telephone and Radio Workers
  95. Case No 71 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 10-DEC-52The Trade Union International of Seamen, Inland Waterway Workers, Fishermen and Port Workers
  96. Definitive Report - Report No 11, 1954 ( 93 - 103 )
  97. Case No 70 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 24-NOV-52The Federation of Greek Maritime Unions (Cardiff, United Kingdom)
  98. Definitive Report - Report No 11, 1954 ( 69 - 92 )
  99. Case No 46 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 01-JAN-52The National Union of Marine Cooks and Stewards (United States)
  100. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - Report No 6, 1953 ( 605 - 703 )
  101. Case No 45 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 01-JAN-52The International Seamen's and Dockers' Union (Poland), the Federation of Greek Maritime Unions (New York Branch) and the World Federation of Trade Unions
  102. Definitive Report - Report No 6, 1953 ( 599 - 604 )
  103. Case No 42 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 01-JAN-52The General Workers' Union of the Republic of Panama
  104. Definitive Report - Report No 6, 1953 ( 565 - 583 )
  105. Case No 33 (United States of America) - Complaint date: 01-JUL-51The World Federation of Trade Unions
  106. Definitive Report - Report No 2, 1952 ( 81 - 137 )
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