Information System on International Labour Standards

Interim Report - Report No 168, November 1977

Case No 842 (Argentina) - Complaint date: 25-MAR-76 - Closed

Display in: French - Spanish

198. The Committee already examined this case at its sessions in November 1976 and February 1977, on each of which occasions it presented an interim report.

  1. 198. The Committee already examined this case at its sessions in November 1976 and February 1977, on each of which occasions it presented an interim report.
  2. 199. The Committee recalls that the allegations mentioned in the complaint and in the representation submitted by various Peruvian trade union organisations under article 24 of the ILO Constitution relate to the arrest or disappearance of serving or former trade unionists, the taking over of trade union organisations and restrictions on trade union activities.
  3. 200. Argentina has ratified the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98).

A. A. The complainants' allegations

A. A. The complainants' allegations
  • Arrest and disappearance of serving and former trade unionists
    1. 201 At its session in February 1977 the Committee noted that the Government had supplied information on most of the persons who had been mentioned by the complainants as having been arrested. It noted, in particular, that some of them had been released. The Committee, however, expressed its concern that the Government had stated that it had no information concerning many of these persons. Nevertheless, the Committee had been informed that Jerónimo Fuentes, Deputy Secretary of the Bakers' Trade Union of Comodoro Rivadavia, had been arrested and was to be tried by a special council of war of army command No. 5. This information was based on a communiqué from command headquarters of Zone No. 53. This same information also contained a reference to Ricardo Cándido Alonso (former Secretary-General of the same union) and Hector Gaspar Aburto (of the Textile Workers' Union), who seemed to be the same persons as Ricardo Cándido Alonso and Hector Gaspar who appeared in the list of 17 persons regarding whom the Government stated it had no information.
    2. 202 The Committee, accordingly, recommended the Governing Body to note with interest that several trade unionists had been released, but to express its concern at the fact that the Government stated that it possessed no information on many of the persons mentioned by the complainants. It requested the Government to intensify its investigations regarding these persons and inform it of the results. According to the latest information supplied by the Government it would appear that two of these 17 persons have been held for some time already at the disposal of the executive authorities.
    3. 203 At the same time the Committee recommended the Governing Body to invite the complainant organisations to submit all additional information which they might possess regarding these persons. No further information concerning these persons has so far been received from the complainants.
    4. 204 In addition to the communications already transmitted by the WCL, a further communication, dated 28 January 1977, containing a long list of trade unionists, said to have been arrested, kidnapped, to have disappeared, or to be held at the disposal of the national executive authorities, had been received and transmitted to the Government. The Government had not transmitted its observations on this list prior to the Committee's session in March 1977.
    5. 205 Furthermore, in two other communications from the WCL, dated 7 March and 2 May 1977, and in one further communication from the WFTU dated 3 March 1977, the names of seven other trade unionists were given, all of whom were alleged to have been detained.
    6. 206 The Government, in two communications dated 21 February 1977 and 9 May 1977, referred in particular to the cases of two of the trade unionists mentioned by the complainants, viz. Jorge di Pascuale (General Secretary of the Pharmaceutical Workers' Union) and José Palacios (leader of the Metal Workers' Union). As regards the former the Government stated that it had no information regarding this person and that the judicial authorities had been instructed to take appropriate steps. As regards José Palacios, the Government stated that, in spite of continued and persistent efforts, this person could not be traced.
    7. 207 In its latest communication, dated 9 May 1977, the Government has supplied information on the situation of all but one of the persons named by the complainants. The information provided to date by the Government on all the trade unionists named by the complainants in this case can be summarised as follows:
      • (i) ten of the trade unionists mentioned are stated to have been released;
      • (ii) thirty-eight trade unionists are stated to be at the disposal of the national executive authorities by virtue of article 23 of the National Constitution applicable to the state of emergency. According to the Government, these persons are under investigation in connection with their presumed connections with subversive organisations;
      • (iii) eleven trade unionists are stated to be ready to stand trial by the national federal courts, these persons having already been at the disposal of the national executive authorities;
      • (iv) two trade unionists mentioned are said to have left the country;
      • (v) one trade unionist is stated to have been granted the possibility of leaving the country;
      • (vi) three trade unionists are stated to have been tried by special councils of war and sentenced for possession of arms and explosives, or other offences;
      • (vii) one trade unionist is stated to be detained and under investigation for grave negligence in the exercise of trade union functions, mismanagement of trade union funds and for acts leading to subversion;
    8. (viii) one person is stated to have disappeared from his place of residence and has presumably been kidnapped by a subversive organisation;
      • (ix) sixty-five trade unionists mentioned by the complainants are stated by the Government to be neither sought by the authorities nor in prison.
    9. 208 The Committee notes from the information supplied by the Government that a large proportion of the trade unionists stated by the complainants as having been detained are being held for investigation by the national executive authorities. It observes that the periods of this form of detention have ranged from several months to over two years. In some cases, persons who were so held are now to be tried by the federal courts, mainly on charges of subversive acts or participation in subversive organisations. As the Committee has already pointed out, it is one of the fundamental rights of the individual that a detained person should be brought without delay before the appropriate judge, this right being recognised in such instruments as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, and that in the case of persons engaged in trade union activities, this is one of the civil liberties which should be ensured by the authorities in order to safeguard the exercise of trade union rights.
    10. 209 The Committee also notes from the information at its disposal that almost half of the persons alleged by the complainants to have been detained, kidnapped, etc. are, according to the Government, neither being sought by the authorities nor being held in any prison. The Committee has already noted that in some cases concerning which the Government has previously stated that it had no information, the persons concerned have subsequently been found to be at the disposal of the authorities, or alternatively information has been received that certain persons are to be tried by a special council of war. The Committee would again recommend the Governing Body to call upon the complainant organisations to provide any further information that may have come into their possession concerning these persons and to urge the Government to extend its co-operation by carrying out intensive inquiries into the whereabouts and the present situation of the trade unionists in question.
  • Taking over of trade union organisations and restrictions on trade union activities
    1. 210 It had been alleged that the military authorities had taken over various trade union organisations, notably the General Confederation of Labour (CGT). In addition, meetings, elections, collective bargaining and the right to strike had all been suspended.
    2. 211 Having taken note of the Government's explanations that it was the serious situation in Argentina that had necessitated the temporary suspension of trade union rights, and in particular collective bargaining, and that the question of new legislation relating to workers' organisations was being studied, the Committee expressed regret that, despite the time that had elapsed, trade union organisations were still under the control of the authorities. The Committee also expressed the hope that the restrictions placed on trade union activity would soon be brought to an end. In pointing out that it was fully aware of the seriousness of the economic situation in Argentina, the Committee stated that the restrictions on collective bargaining should not be maintained longer than was reasonable, and that one of the objectives of the Government should be to permit the restoration of collective bargaining as soon as possible. The Committee also expressed the hope that the new law relating to workers' associations, referred to by the Government, would make it possible to restore full, normal trade union activities.
    3. 212 In its communication of 9 May 1977 the Government confirms that it is not its intention to prolong the suspension of collective bargaining any longer than is necessary. It refers again to the chaotic situation in the country caused by the very high level of inflation and the existence of terrorist organisations. The problems, adds the Government, cannot be solved within a given period of time. It is, however, the Government's intention to lift the restrictions on trade unions gradually and to restore a normal situation as soon as the problems can be resolved.
    4. 213 The Committee has already pointed out that the placing of trade union organisations under control constitutes a serious danger of restricting the rights of workers' organisations to elect their representatives in full freedom and to organise their administration and activities. The Committee regrets to note that the Government has given no indication that such control has been removed nor has it stated that the control of the organisations in question is likely to be removed in the near future. As the Committee previously pointed out, the Government should give priority to the lifting of this measure. It expresses the hope that the Government will take positive steps to this end as soon as possible.
    5. 214 The Committee would repeat that the maintenance of restrictions on the right to hold meetings and to hold elections in workers' organisations constitutes a serious infringement of trade union freedoms. In addition, restrictions on collective bargaining should not be maintained longer than is reasonable. The Committee would express the hope that the restrictions will soon be removed. As regards collective bargaining, the Committee would repeat that one of the objectives of the Government should be to permit its restoration as soon as possible.
    6. 215 As regards the proposed new law on workers' organisations the Government has indicated that a bill is now being prepared. The Committee would once again express the hope that full information will be supplied regarding the progress made to finalise this legislation, and that its adoption in the near future will ensure the restoration of full, normal, trade union activities.

The Committee's recommendations

The Committee's recommendations
  1. 216. In these circumstances and with regard to the case as a whole, the Committee recommends the Governing Body:
    • (a) regarding the arrest or disappearance of serving or former trade unionists:
    • (i) to note that certain other persons have been released since its last session;
    • (ii) to note, however, that many of the trade unionists mentioned by the complainants are still in detention without having been brought before courts and to recall the principle that the rapid appearance of a detained trade unionist before the appropriate court is a fundamental right of the individual which is essential in order to safeguard fully the exercise of trade union rights; and to request the Government to provide information on the outcome of the judicial proceedings in respect of those persons who are to be tried by the federal courts;
    • (iii) as regards those persons who, the Government states, are neither being sought nor in prison, to request the Government to extend its co-operation by continuing to seek information as to the situation of those persons, and to request the complainant organisations to provide any further information available to them concerning these same persons;
    • (b) regarding the taking over of trade union organisations and restrictions on trade union activities:
    • (i) to strongly reiterate the urgency of lifting all measures of control by the authorities over trade union organisations and to urge the Government to give priority to the lifting of such measures;
    • (ii) to draw attention to the considerations set forth in paragraph 214 above concerning restrictions on trade union activities and to express the hope that the restrictions now in force will soon be removed; and, in particular, as regards collective bargaining, to request that one of the objectives of the Government should be to permit its restoration as soon as possible;
    • (iii) with regard to the proposed new law on trade unions to request the Government to supply full information regarding the progress made towards the adoption of this legislation and to express once again the hope that the adoption and application of this law in the near future will ensure the restoration of full, normal, trade union activities;
    • (iv) to request the Government to supply all available information on the evolution of the trade union situation;
    • (c) to take note of this interim report.


  • Name Allegation Latest information furnished by the Government
  • Abrera, Lorenzo Miguel, union Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • delegate
  • Acerra, Rubén, leader, Lighting Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • and Power Workers' Union, Córdoba
  • Acuña, Juan Rodolfo, union Detained At disposal of executive
  • leader authorities (Decree No. 798 of 31.3.75)
  • Allura, Arnesio, union leader Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • Altobelli, Armando, delegate, Detained 28.3.76 For trial by fed. courts
  • "Terrabusi" factory (Pacheco) (La Plata prison; (subversive activities) at disposal of ex
  • ecutive authorities)
  • Alvarez, Juan Carlos, union Detained At disposal of executive
  • delegate authorities (Decree No. 1931 of 18.12.74)
  • Apaza, Arturo, delegate of Detained 12.5.76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • "Del Carlo" factory and disappeared
  • Argüello, Juan Romigio, Bank Detained At disposal of executive
  • workers' delegate authorities (Decree No. 3003 of 17.10.75)
  • Artenco, Taurino, leader, Detained At disposal of executive
  • Lighting and Power Workers' authorities (Decree No. 1810
  • Union, Córdoba of 9.12.74)
  • Aruzzoni, Pedro Francisco, Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • union leader
  • Avalos, Daniel Orlando, Detained, Apr. 76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Construction Workers' Union
  • Belerra, Rubén, leader, Lighting Detained At disposal of executive
  • and Power Workers' Union, Córdoba authorities (Decree No. 1810 of 9.12.74)
  • Buzzalino, Alfredo, union leader Disappeared Neither sought nor in prison
  • Buffa, Raniás, leader, Lighting Detained, 14.11.76 For trial by fed. courts
  • and Power Workers' Union, Córdoba (subversive activities)
  • Burgos, Felipe, peasant leader Disappeared, Neither sought nor in prison
  • February 1976
  • Bustos, Carlos, leader, Lighting Detained, 14.11.76 For trial by fed. courts
  • and Power Workers' Union, Córdoba (subversive activities)
  • Campos, Alberto Ignacio, leader, Detained Released
  • CGT (SG)
  • Carazo, Alfredo, Sec.-General of Detained
  • LA Press Federation and Deputy
  • (Corrientes) Sec.-General of FRATREM, 2.577
  • del Carmen di Toffino, Tomás, Kidnapped on leav- Neither sought nor in prison
  • Former Sec.-General and Deputy ing workplace
  • Secy of Lighting and Power
  • Workers' Union, Córdoba
  • Cogo, Leonardo, leader, Lighting Detained 14.11.74 For trial by fed. courts
  • and Power Workers' Union, Córdoba (subversive activities)
  • Cordero, Julio Ignacio, union Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • delegate
  • Cuchetti, Abel Omar, leader, Detained At disposal of executive
  • Radio and Telegraph workers' authorities (Decree No. 1119,
  • Union, Sec. of Telephone April 1975)
  • Workers' Union'
  • Chado, Alberto, union delegate Detained 7.8.76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Chiguay, Ricardo, union delegate Detained, option Left country 26.12.75
  • "Lorilleux" printing works to leave country (Venezuela)
  • Chinchinales, Sebastian, union Detained, Apr. 76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • leader, Comodoro Rivadaira
  • Choinski, Carlos Alberto, member, Detained, 26.11.75 Released under Decree No. 987
  • Committee of Martos Amato, of 22.6.76
  • (Metal Workers' Union)
  • Deleon, Jorge, Sec.-General, Disappeared At disposal of executive
  • Ceramic Workers authorities (Decree No. 156 of 24.4.76)
  • Delmace, Néstor, union delegate Detained At disposal of executive
  • authorities (Decree No. 798 of 31.3.75)
  • Dericco, Pascual, Deputy Sec., Detained, 20.3.75 At disposal of executive
  • Section of Metal Workers' Union authorities (Decree No. 944 of 14.4.75)
  • Di Pascuale, Jorge, Sec.-General Kidnapped and dis- Neither sought nor in prison
  • of Pharmaceutical Workers' Union appeared, 30.11.76
  • Dose, Daniel, delegate, metal Detained, May 76 At disposal of executive
  • factory "Montenegro" (Rosario) and at disposal of authorities (Decree No. 272
  • authorities of 29.4.76)
  • Dominguez, Dolores, leader, Detained At disposal of executive
  • Telephone Workers' Union authorities (Decree No. 2441 of 14.10.76)
  • Echerrea, Tevrisio, union delegate Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • Escobar, Carlos, Union of Public Kidnapped, 29.3.76 Freed on 7.9.76
  • Employees (Decree No. 1711 of 13.8.76)
  • Esquerra, Juan Francisco, leader, Detained Preventive detention
  • Bank Employees' Union (falsification of docs. etc.)
  • Falcon, Carlos Agustin, union Detained, 26.3.76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • delegate, Sampi factory
  • (Buenos Aires)
  • Falcon, Faustino, Port Workers' Detained, Apr. 76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Union (Buenos Aires)
  • Fatala, Alejandro Rubén, union Detained Left country 17.7.75
  • delegate (Venezuela)
  • Fernández, Eduardo, leader, Detained, 14.11.74 For trial by fed. courts
  • Lighting and Power Workers' Union, (subversive activities)
  • Córdoba
  • Ferreyra, Juan Estebán, union Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • delegate, "Terrabussi", (Pacheco,
  • Buenos Aires)
  • Fuentes, Jerónimo, leader, Detained, Apr. 76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Bakery Workers' Union of Condomoro
  • Rivadavia
  • Garcia, Hugo, union leader, Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • ATE (Córdoba)
  • Gaspar Aburto, Héctor, leader, Detained, Apr. 76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Comodoro Rivadavia Textile
  • Union
  • Gesfrida, Sebastidn, leader, Detained, 14.11.74 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Heating and Power Workers' Union
  • (Córdoba)
  • Giménez, Carlos, union delegate Detained Released, 29.11.76
  • (Decree No. 2911, 19.11.76)
  • Giménez, Josa Enrique, Port Detained, Apr. 76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Workers' Union (Buenos Aires)
  • González, Oscar Amilcar, leader, Detained At disposal of executive
  • Press Federation authorities (Decree No. 1704 of 13.8.75)
  • González, Hugo César,2 leader, Detained, Apr. 76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Bakery Workers' Union
  • (Comodoro Rivadavia)
  • Goyenéche, union leader of branch Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • of Federation of Rural Workers
  • of Argentina
  • Granetto, Valentin, union leader Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • Grizey, Carlos, union leader of Detained At disposal of executive
  • SMATA (Córdoba) authorities (Decree No. 1810 of 9.12.74)
  • Guillán, Julio, leader, Telephone Detained since Detained under Institutional
  • Workers' Union (Buenos Aires) 24.3.76 Act No. 2 for failure to carry out trade union duties and for subversive activities (9.5.77)
  • Hardoy, Rubén, delegate of Martin Disappeared, Neither sought nor in prison
  • Amato firm (section of Metal 30.4.76
  • Workers' Union)
  • Injfia, Andrés, leader, Lighting Detained, 14.11.76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • and Power Workers' Union (Córdoba)
  • Intruvini, Ramón Luján, leader, Detained Released (Decree No. 2589
  • Printers' Federation (Buenos Aires) of 25.10.76)
  • Jackielewiz, Juan Vicente, Disappeared Neither sought nor in prison
  • delegate, "Del Carlo"
  • Jarma, Eduardo, union leader, Detained, 13.12.74 At disposal of executive
  • SMATA (Córdoba) authorities (Decree No. 1810 of 9.12.74)
  • Juárez, Hugo, union leader, Detained At disposal of executive
  • SMATA (Córdoba) authorities (Decree No. 1810 of 9.12.74)
  • Juárez, Osvaldo Hugo, leader of Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • Lighting and Power Workers' Union
  • (Córdoba)
  • Kader, Omar, Union of Construction Detained, Apr. 76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • workers (Rio Negro)
  • Karlem, Eduardo, union leader, Detained, 13.12.74 At disposal of executive
  • SMATA (Córdoba) authorities (Decree No. 1810 of 9.12.74)
  • Leivar, Luis, union leader, Kidnapped, 9.5.76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Railwaymen's Union (Ing. White,
  • Buenos Aires)
  • Leon, Jorge Raúl, leader, Ceramic Detained, 22.4.76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Workers' Union
  • Lescano, Jorge Omar, delegate, Detained, 1.4.76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Dock Workers "Mostrina" (Tigra)
  • Liwacky, Oscar, leader, Commercial Kidnapped, 9.5.76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Workers, (San Francisco, Córdoba)
  • Lopez, Juan Carlos, Port Workers' Detained, Apr. 76 Neither sought nor in prison Union
  • Machado, Gerardo, union leader, Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • SMATA (Córdoba)
  • Maldonado, Miguel Angel, Sec., Detained At disposal of executive
  • Municipal Workers (COEMA), authorities (Decree No. 310
  • La Pampa of 30.4.76)
  • Medina, Victor, leader, Telegraph Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • Workers' Union of Tucuman
  • Medina, Walter, peasant leader, Detained At disposal of authorities by
  • Province of Chaco Decree No. 2425 of 8.10.76
  • Meloni, Wilfredo J., delegate, Detained At disposal of executive
  • "Grandos Motores Diesel" (Córdoba) authorities (Decree No. 2559 of 18.10.76)
  • Mendiolaza, Alfredo Vicente, Disappeared At disposal of executive
  • delegate, IKA-Renault authorities (Decree No. 989 of 21.6.76)
  • Mieta, J., delegate, Lighting and Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • Power Workers' Union (Córdoba)
  • Miguel, Lorenzo, Sec.-General, Detained At disposal of authorities by
  • Metal Workers' Union' Decree No. 1205 of 2.7.76
  • Molina, Angel, leader, Lighting Detained, 14.11.74 For trial by fed. courts
  • and Power Workers' Union (Córdoba) (subversive activities)
  • Moreno, Ramón, leader, Lighting Detained For trial by fed. courts
  • and Power Workers' Union (Córdoba) (subversive activities)
  • Moreyra, Alfredo, leader, Ceramic Imprisoned Neither sought nor in prison
  • Workers' Union
  • Murúa, Nicolas Andres, union Detained, 23.11.74 For trial by fed. courts
  • leader, SMATA (Córdoba) (subversive activities)
  • Ocampo, Héctor, leader, Teachers' Detained, 29.1.76 At disposal of executive
  • Union (Norte de Santa Fe) authorities (Decree No. 907 of 10.3.76)
  • Oraziuk, Eugenio, Sec.-General, Kidnapped, 22.3.76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Health Workers' Union (La Plata)
  • Pabiolo, Orlando, leader, Lighting Detained At disposal of executive
  • and Power Workers' Union (Córdoba) authorities (Decree No. 1810
  • of 9.12.74)
  • Pagnani, Alberto, delegate, Detained At disposal of executive
  • "Cenfenara" factory authorities (Decree No. 88 of 12.4.76)
  • Palacios, José, leader, Metal Kidnapped Neither sought nor in prison
  • Workers' Union
  • Pérez, Nestor, delegate, Disappeared Neither sought nor in prison
  • "Monofort" factory
  • Piccinini, Alberto, Sec.-General of Imprisoned, 2.3.75 At disposal of authorities by
  • section of Union of Metal Workers Decree 758 of 26.3.75
  • Poz, Dionisio, Dock Workers' Detained, 26.3.76 At disposal of executive
  • delegate (La Plata) authorities (Decree No. 571 of 26.5.76)
  • Quiroga, Carlos, union delegate Detained At disposal of executive
  • authorities (Decree No. 3317 of 10.11.75)
  • Robledo, Enrique, union delegate, Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • Bank Workers' Association
  • (Mandoja)
  • Rodriguez, deputy delegate, Disappeared Neither sought nor in prison
  • "Squibb" Laboratories
  • Rodriguez, Carlos Alberto, Kidnapped At disposal of executive
  • trade unionist authorities (Decree No. 702 of 15.3.77)
  • Rodriguez, Josh, leader of union Detained, 13.12.74 At disposal of executive
  • SMATA authorities (Decree No. 1810 of 9.12.74)
  • Román, Nicolás, Metal Workers' Disappeared Neither sought nor in prison
  • Union
  • Romero, Rogue, leader of union Detained, 13.12.74 At disposal of executive
  • SMATA authorities (Decree No. 1910 of 9.12.74)
  • Rovella, Amibis, leader, Bank Detained 22.10.76. Preventive
  • Workers' Union detention for fraud, etc.
  • Ruggero, Alberto, leader, Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • Telephone Workers' Union
  • Ruggeroni, Dante, Teachers' Detained, 29.1.76 For trial by fed. courts
  • Union (Norte de Santa Fe) (subversive activities)
  • Ryan, Santiago, trade unionist Disappeared Neither sought nor in prison
  • Salamanca, René, Sec.-General of Kidnapped, Mar. 76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • SMATA (Córdoba)
  • Salazar, Haydeé Dermer (de), Detained, 20.6.76 For trial by fed. Courts
  • Pharmaceutical Workers' Union (subversive activities)
  • (Mendoza)
  • Sanchez, Maxemóno, leader of Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • union SMATA (Córdoba)
  • Santillán, Horacio, union Detained At disposal of executive
  • delegate, SMATA (Córdoba) authorities (Decree No. 1477 of 16.11.74)
  • Saravia, Abdul, union delegate Detained under investigation (mismanagement of union funds)
  • Siares, Arquimédes, union Sentenced by military Neither sought nor in prison
  • leader, Comodoro Rivadavia tribunal, Apr. 76
  • Silva, Pedro, leader, Agri- Kidnapped, 23.3.76 Freed on 10.4.76
  • cultural Workers' Union (Tucuman) (Decree No. 31 of 2.4.76)
  • Smith, Oscar, Light and Power Detained Presumed kidnapped
  • Workers' Union
  • Solari, Irigoyen, Hipolito, Kidnapped and Released (Decree No. 1098
  • lawyer of Union and Federation detained of 25.4.77)
  • of Printing Workers
  • Stecina, Maria Elena, Teachers' Detained, 29.1.76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Union (Santa Fe)
  • Survalle, Fuad, leader, Bank Detained For trial by fed. courts
  • Workers' Association (Mendoza) (subversive activities)
  • Tomasella, Sergio, peasant Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • leader
  • Tomason, Emilio Jaime, member, Disappeared, 30.4.76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • internal committee of Martis
  • Amato (Metal Workers' Union)
  • Unamuno, Miguel, leader, Bank Imprisoned Released 18.6.76.
  • Employees' Union Tried and sentenced
  • Ursua, Andrés, union delegate Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • Vazquez, delegate of FOETRA Disappeared between Neither sought nor in prison
  • (Tucuman) 24.3. and 31.5.76
  • Vasquez, union delegate, Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • "Molinos Rio de la Platan
  • (Buenos Aires)
  • Ventura, ovidio, leader, Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • Printing Workers' Union
  • (Mendoza)
  • Villanueva, Josh, Printing Imprisoned Neither sought nor in prison
  • Workers, and delegate of news
  • paper "Cronica" (Buenos Aires)
  • Wimer, Adalberto, leader of CGT Detained Released (Decree No. 3330 of 17.12.76)
  • Zalarayan, Raul, militant, Disappeared, Oct. 76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • (Public Employees, Tucuman)
  • Name Allegation Latest information furnished by the Government
  • Alonso, Ricardo Cándido, Prison sentence by Neither sought nor in prison
  • leader, Bakery Workers' Council of War
  • Union of Condomoro Rivadavia
  • Castillo, Maximiano, Detained At liberty
    • ex-Sec.-General of Glass
  • Workers' Union and financial sec., CGT
  • Castillo, Federation of Detained, 11.8.76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Printing Workers (La Plata)
  • Davico, Miguel Angel, member Detained No information (3.2.77) (neither
  • of Executive of Construction sought nor in prison)
  • Workers' Federation
  • Gley, Hugo César, leader, Prison sentence by Neither sought nor in prison
  • Bakery Workers' Union of Council of War
  • Conaomoro Rivadavia
  • Marano, Enrique, President, Detained, 11.8.76 At disposal of executive
  • Fed. of Printing Workers (La Plata) authorities (Decree No. 1843 of 31.8.76)
  • Mendoza, Carlos Arturo, Prison sentence Imprisoned (possession of
  • leader of the group of the (9 years, 6 months) arms and explosives)
    1. 62 Organisations (lendoza) by Council of War
  • Molina, Manuel Isauro, former Detained At disposal of executive
    • Sec.-General of the authorities (Decree No. 89
      1. 62 Organisations of 12.4.76)
    • Nolasco, Amadeo, leader, Detained Neither sought nor in prison
  • National Federation of
  • Municipal workers
  • Ponce, Rodolfo Antonio, Sec.- Detained At disposal of executive
  • General, Granary Workers' authorities (Decree No. 1205
  • Union of 5.7.76)
  • Rolando, Esteban, leader, Detained Released (Decree No. 20 of
  • Railwaymen's Union 7.1.77)
  • Scolamieri, Paul, Sec.- Detained At disposal of executive
  • General of CGT local authorities (Decree No. 89
  • (Catamara) of 14.4.76)
  • Triacca, Alberto Jorge, Detained Released (Decree No. 2851
  • leader, Plastic Workers' of 15.11.76)
  • Union and former executive
  • member of CGT
  • Vazquez, Juan, leader, Detained, 4.6.76 Neither sought nor in prison
  • Railwaymen's Union; member (whereabouts unknown)
  • of executive of Centre for
  • Trade Union and Sccial Studies of Argentina
  • Vega, Daniel, leader, Sentenced to prison May leave country
  • Textile Union of Condomoro by Council of War (Resolution of Ministry of
  • Rivadavia Interior No. 6, 26.11.75)
  • Zaro, Georgio, Printing Detained, 11.8.76 At disposal of executive
  • Workers' Federation (La Plata) authorities (Decree No. 1843 of 31.8.76)
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