Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 1995, Publicación: 82ª reunión CIT (1995)

Convenio sobre la colocación de la gente de mar, 1920 (núm. 9) - Camerún (Ratificación : 1970)

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  1. 2015
  2. 1993
  3. 1989

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Article 5 of the Convention. The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its reports for the periods 1989-92 and 1992-93, and particularly the adoption of Act No. 92/007 of 14 August 1992 establishing the Labour Code. The Committee notes that the reports contain no new information in answer to its previous direct requests and that the new Labour Code of 1992 contains no provisions for the constitution of committees which are required under this Article to consist of an equal number of representatives of shipowners and seamen to advise on matters concerning the carrying on of employment offices for seamen. The Committee observes that for several years there has been no progress in giving effect to this Article of the Convention. It is therefore bound to reiterate the hope that the Government will not fail to take the necessary measures in the near future to ensure application of this Article and asks it to indicate in its next report any progress made in this respect.

Article 10. The Committee again expresses the hope that in its future reports the Government will provide the statistical or other information required by this Article, and particularly all available information on the activities concerning seamen carried on by the employment offices of Kribi, Limbé and Dovala.

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