Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1997, Publicación: 86ª reunión CIT (1998)

Convenio sobre seguridad y salud de los trabajadores, 1981 (núm. 155) - México (Ratificación : 1984)

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Articles 13 and 19(f) of the Convention. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on any legal precedent, administrative circular or doctrinaire interpretation of principle, which helped to guarantee and to clarify the right of a worker to be protected from undue consequences for him, in the case where he believes it necessary to remove himself from a work situation presenting an imminent and serious danger to his life or health. Since it has not received any information on the subject in question, the Committee is once again obliged to request the Government to provide information in this respect.

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