Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2008, Publicación: 98ª reunión CIT (2009)

Convenio sobre la protección de los cargadores de muelle contra los accidentes (revisado), 1932 (núm. 32) - Bangladesh (Ratificación : 1972)

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The Committee notes the information in the Government’s report, in particular the adoption a new Labour Code in 2006 which contains, in Chapter XVI, a provision No. 263 entitling the Government to adopt “Special provisions for safety and health of dock workers” on numerous subject matters by notification in the Official Gazette. The Committee hopes that any new legislation on matters regulated in the Convention adopted will give further effect to the Convention and that the Government will supply copies of such new legislation for examination by the Committee as soon as it has been adopted.

Part IV of the report form. Judicial decisions. The Committee notes that the Government indicates that in certain cases Labour Courts or Administrative Tribunals render decisions based on complaints from aggrieved workers. The Committee requests the Government to submit copies of such decisions.

Part V of the report form. Application in practice. With reference to its previous comments, the Committee notes that the Government’s report does not include any information on the causes and nature of occupational accidents recorded, nor on the application of the Convention in practice. The Committee reiterates its previous request to the Government for supplementary information on the measures taken or envisaged to protect workers against the accidents referred to in available statistics, as well as for extracts from inspectors’ reports, in order for it to better appreciate the manner in which the Convention is applied in practice. The Committee also requests the Government to provide indications on the total number of dockworkers covered by the legislation in force as well as indications of the particular causes of these accidents.

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