Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2012, Publicación: 102ª reunión CIT (2013)

Convenio sobre los documentos de identidad de la gente de mar (revisado), 2003, en su versión enmendada (núm. 185) - Bosnia y Herzegovina (Ratificación : 2010)

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Articles 2 to 7 of the Convention. Seafarers’ identity documents. The Committee notes the Government’s first report on the application of the Convention. The Committee notes, in particular, that seafarers’ identity documents continue to be regulated by the Regulations on Maritime and Shipping Booklets (Official Gazette of BiH, No. 14/01) which however do not give effect to key requirements of the Convention such as the insertion of a biometric template and the establishment of a national electronic database. The Committee also notes that the Law on Travel Documents (Official Gazette of BiH No. 4/97), as last amended in 2008, which applies also to seamen’s books, provides in section 8a for an electronic memory element to be introduced in travel documents and also for the maintenance of a central register in accordance with the Law governing the field of central registers and data exchange. According to the same provision, the format and contents of data in an electronic memory element, the means of their registration and the manner of reading them as well as technical requirements for data protection will be determined by the authority responsible for the maintenance of central registers. The Committee requests the Government to indicate whether the Law governing the field of central registers and data exchange has already been adopted and, if so, to transmit a copy. The Committee is fully cognizant of the fact that ratifying countries may need some time before the facilities and systems necessary for the implementation of the Convention are effectively put in place, especially in view of the highly technical character of certain requirements and recommended procedures. While noting the Government’s indication that it is currently in the process of establishing the maritime administration and developing the necessary services at the state level, the Committee requests the Government to provide together with its next report detailed information on any concrete measures taken for the effective implementation of the Convention both in law and in practice.
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