Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 2018, Publicación: 108ª reunión CIT (2019)

Convenio sobre la discriminación (empleo y ocupación), 1958 (núm. 111) - Angola (Ratificación : 1976)

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Legislation. The Committee refers to its previous comments, in which it asked the Government to take the opportunity provided by the revision of the General Labour Act to address the specific issues raised by the Committee since 2013 concerning, in particular, the definition and grounds of discrimination, the prohibition of sexual harassment, the restrictions on women’s access to work, and the coverage of the measures for workers with family responsibilities provided for in the Act. The Committee notes with regret that the new General Labour Act (Act No. 7/015), which was adopted on 21 April 2015, addresses none of the matters raised by the Committee. Recalling the importance of a clear and comprehensive legislative framework in order to ensure the effective implementation of the Convention, the Committee asks the Government to take the necessary steps to address the matters raised by the Committee with a view to bringing the General Labour Act fully into conformity with the Convention, and to provide information on any developments in this regard.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.
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