Information System on International Labour Standards

Suites données aux recommandations du comité et du Conseil d’administration - Rapport No. 327, Mars 2002

Cas no 2014 (Uruguay) - Date de la plainte: 09-JANV.-99 - Clos

Afficher en : Francais - Espagnol

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body
  1. 118. The Committee last examined this case, relating to anti-union measures during collective bargaining and disciplinary measures against trade union officials and workers, at its March 2001 meeting [see 324th Report, paras. 912-926]. On this occasion, the Committee requested the Government to ensure that the disciplinary measures against the three trade union officials for holding information meetings at Plant No. 3 in Canelones were immediately revoked, that the trade union officials were allowed reasonable access to the workplace and, in their abovementioned capacity, to effectively carry out their mandate unhindered to further and defend the interests of workers, and that the workers of CONAPROLE were allowed freely to express their opinions, without fear of intimidation or risk of reprisal by their employers.
  2. 119. In its communication of 23 August 2001, the Government indicates that the complainant organization did not provide the identities of the trade union officials who had been subjected to disciplinary measures for holding information meetings, that the right to hold information meetings in the enterprise is linked to these taking place during rest periods and that Convention No. 98 refers to participation in union activities, with the consent of the employers, within working hours. With regard to those allegations relating to restrictions on the right to reasonable access to the workplace for trade union officials in the plants, the Labour Inspectorate will be carrying out inquiries. Finally, with regard to intimidation of employees who freely express their opinions, the Government indicates that it is unaware of the veracity of the alleged acts and that it will refrain from pronouncing on the situation until the parties have presented their cases.
  3. 120. The Committee notes this information and requests the Government to keep it informed of the outcome of the inquiry carried out by the Labour Inspectorate into the alleged restrictions on trade union officials in their access to the workplace.
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