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Euro Breeze [resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00956
Nom du navire:Euro Breeze [resolved]
Pavillon:St. Kitts & Nevis
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9239977
Port d'abandon:Zhoushan, China, Republic of
Date d'abandon:1 avril 2024
Date de notification:16 avril 2024
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:24
Circonstances:P&I : Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ) Limited

Type : Chemical/Products Tankers

Crew unpaid since February 2024; reported change in ship management company in the beginning of April 2024
Actions entreprises:L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Contacted the owners, flag state and the financial security provider. The owners have since paid wages for February to 13 crew members, 11 crew members remain unpaid. The financial security provider has been contacted to step in.

Situation concernant le rapatriement:21 juin 2024: Rapatriés
Seafarers were repatriated
Paiement des salaires:16 avril 2024: En attente de paiement

21 juin 2024: Réglé
Seafarers received their outstanding wages
Commentaires et observations:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (16 avril 2024)
ITF to P&I - Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ) Limited

We write to follow up on our last below addressed to the owners of the EURO BREEZE. The ITF has had no written responses to this email and, despite the owners’ assurance by way of their email dated 5 April that the crew wages will be paid by the end of last week, there seems to be no movement. The crew on the vessel are unpaid for two months.

We would ask that the Maritime Mutual Club now steps in and arranges the payment of wages and the repatriation of the abandoned crew. Further delays will only serve to punish the crew more. Surely, we can agree that the crew should not face additional financial penalties as a result of the failure of their employer to honour their contracts.

Please confirm that the Maritime Mutual will, without delay, begin the process of paying and repatriating the abandoned crew of the EURO BREEZE ship.

Autre (16 avril 2024)
Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ) Limited to ITF

We acknowledge your notification of this new MLC matter.

We will look into this and come back to you soon.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (21 juin 2024)
Seafarers received their outstanding wages and were repatriated

Saisie: lundi - 24 juin 2024 a 13:23:14
Dernière mise à jour: lundi - 24 juin 2024 a 13:27:32
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale