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Serenity 1 [disputed]


Abandonment ID: 00961
Ship name:Serenity 1 [disputed]
7-digit IMO no.:7529330
Port of abandonment:North Abaco, Bahamas
Abandonment date:15 April 2024
Notification date:29 April 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:3
Nationalities:Honduras(1); Nicaragua(1); Panama(1)
Circumstances:P&I : Unknown

Type : General Cargo

Former Flag: Togo

3 crew are unpaid for 2 months (period from 15th February to 15th April)

Lack of provisions and water

Generator power only during daytime, the vessel is in complete darkness during night. Only a single 110v power cord from shore to charge mobiles and keep a small fridge working

All crew want their owed wages and to be repatriated

The vessel has no working Main Engine/No valid certificates on board

Owners order to cancel internet connection after crew complained and PSC inspected
Repatriation status:29 April 2024: Repatriation pending

24 May 2024: Repatriation pending
2 crewmember remain on board pending their repatriation

23 July 2024: Other
2/E was repatriated to Honduras
Payment status:29 April 2024: Payment Pending

24 May 2024: Partially paid
1 crewmember has been paid in full, but 2 others remain on board pending payment of their owed wages

23 July 2024: Partially paid
The ship owner offered 2/E $500 and his flight tickets. Upon his departure from the ship, he was still owed approx. $12,300. Both crew members are now off the ship, and they are still owed their wages.
Comments and Observations:Govt. of Bahamas (30 April 2024)
The Bahamas Maritime Authority to IMO

I wish to report the following:
The crew on Togo registered ship Serenity I, IMO no. 7529330, has been abandoned. They have not received their wages for more than two months, and they live in dire conditions onboard. There is no food onboard, no fresh water and no engines running because there is no fuel.
According to information received from ITF, the crewmembers refuse to leave the ship until they received their wages and their repatriation has been financially secured.
There are three crew members onboard.

Bahamas Maritime Authority has been in contact with the Togo Registrar Ms. Vera N. Medawar, the Togo representative to Legal Committee in IMO MS. Stephanie Janneh and the owner Mrs Marie Elsie Joseph. No response has been received for two weeks.
Teh Togo registrar has confirmed that the ship is registered in the Togo Ship Registry.
The ship is docked at North Abaco Port in Bahamas. The Bahamas Maritime Authority conducted a Port State Control on the Serenity I. There were no documents of any kind onboard, the crew did not have Seafarers Employment Agreement and the ship is not in a very bad condition all over.

ITF (24 May 2024)
1 crewmember has been paid in full, but 2 others remain on board pending payment of their owed wages and repatriation

Govt. of Bahamas (19 June 2024)
The Serenity I is still moored at Abaco, Bahamas. The ship is a rust bucket carrying your flag, two crewmembers onboard live in dire conditions. the crew has not heard anything form the flagstate although it is two months since the case was reported. The case is urgent!
Is Togo going to take of its’ duties and responsibilities as a flag state?

Govt. of Togo (8 July 2024)
The High Commission of Togo in London presents its compliments to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and, with reference to its email of 1st May 2024 regarding the case of abandonment of the General Cargo Ship "SERENITY 1", has the honour to transmit some documents sent by the competent authorities of the Republic of Togo.

The said documents relate to the registration of the ship "SERENITY 1" in the international register as "not valid for navigation" and its decommissioning since 2020.

It should be noted that the Bahamas Maritime Authority has been in contact with the Registrar since 05 April 2024 regarding problems with wages, poor living conditions and electricity linked to the crew at night.

To this end, the Registrar has instructed that all necessary measures be taken, in coordination with the local authorities, to repatriate the three guards on board who are not considered to be crew members, since the vessel is decommissioned and no crew has been reported to the authorities for the purpose of issuing endorsement certificates.

Furthermore, when a vessel is decommissioned, there is no crew on board but the owners can appoint a number of guards to watch over the vessel.

The High Commission of Togo in London avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the assurances of its highest consideration.

ITF (23 July 2024)
2/E was repatriated to Honduras. He was mentally and physically exhausted. After 10 days alone in the ship he couldn't stand being there anymore. He was turning 66 y/o on 6th July 2024. He wanted to be back home. The ship owner offered him $500 and his flight tickets. Upon his departure from the ship, he was still owed approx. $12,300. Both crew members are now off the ship, and they are still owed their wages.

Entered: Monday - 27 May 2024 at 11:05:14
Last updated: Monday - 12 August 2024 at 14:38:41
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization