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[Leda - resolved - fishing vessel]


Abandonment ID: 00030
Ship name:[Leda - resolved - fishing vessel]
7-digit IMO no.:8321163
Port of abandonment:Conakry (Guinea)
Abandonment date:3 September 2004
Notification date:3 September 2004
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:10
Circumstances:Vessel arrested June 04 by Guinean agency due to issue with "VEGA", the charterer of the ship. No explanation provided to the crew.
Actions taken:18 February 2005: Flag State informed
ITF contacted Ukrainian embassy in Conakry. ITF Guinea negotiated with owner's lawyer and First Secretary from embassy.
Repatriation status:February 2004: Repatriated
Two returned at their own expense.

17 April 2005: Repatriated
Six repatriated.
Comments and Observations:ITF (2005)
According to ITF, this is a FISHING VESSEL.

ILO/IMO (February 2006)
Joint letter co-signed by ILO Director general and IMO Secretary General to the Flag State administration, urging them to facilitate the resolution of this case.

ITF (28 March 2006)
UPDATE: Repatriation cost to ITF covered. Communication problems inhibit further clarification of the case, which is now closed.

International Maritime Organisation (6 April 2006)
The IMO has received a letter from the flag State register. This text is not in a format that can be displayed here. It can be consulted on request.

Entered: Wednesday - 29 March 2006 at 08:42:03
Last updated: Thursday - 6 April 2006 at 16:44:21
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization