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Jian Ye (previously Tian Chen 9)[disputed]


Abandonment ID: 00637
Ship name:Jian Ye (previously Tian Chen 9)[disputed]
7-digit IMO no.:8805262
Port of abandonment:Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Abandonment date:28 March 2022
Notification date:11 April 2022
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:9
Nationalities:China(1); Indonesia(8)
Circumstances:P&I : Unknown

Two months owed wages
Actions taken:31 March 2022: Flag State informed
Comments and Observations:ITF (11 April 2022)
Some of the crew are awaiting repatriation.

Govt. of Togo (16 May 2022)
The embassy of the Republic of Togo presents its compliments to the International Maritime Organization(IMO) and following the electronic correspondence of 25th April 2022 the abandonment of the vessel "Jian Ye" in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, has the honour to notify to it that the said vessel does not fly the Togolese flag.
Indeed, the documents held by this vessel are false and illegal because this vessel has never been registered on a togolese registry.

Govt. of China (18 May 2022)
As confirmed with Hong Kong Marine Department (HKMD), the HK registered owner Jianfu Shipping Co. Ltd. of the said vessel 'Jian Ye' has dissolved itself from HK Company Registry on 21 March 2021. It means the said company (registered owner) is no longer existed and operated in Hong Kong, China.

ITF (30 November 2022)
Crew have reported that they received US$700 each, a total sum of US$5,600. Crew made the decision to sign an agreement with the owner for repatriation. All Indonesian crew have been repatriated.

Entered: Thursday - 1 December 2022 at 10:00:57
Last updated: Thursday - 1 December 2022 at 10:01:16
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization