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Abandonment ID: 00354
Nombre del buque:Orestina[Inactive]
No. OMI:9510589
Puerto de abandono:Tuzla, Türkiye
Fecha de abandono:30 Julio 2018
Fecha de notificación:1 Agosto 2018
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:13
Nacionalidades:Belarús; Letonia; Rusia, Federación de; Ucrania
Acciones tomadas:2 Agosto 2018: Other
P&I contacted
Estado de la repatriación:2 Agosto 2018: Other
Crew remain on the vessel
Estado del pago:2 Agosto 2018: Payment Pending
US$ 106,000
Comentarios y observaciones:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (2 Agosto 2018)
Owner is currently in bankruptcy proceedings.

P&I abandonment insurer is West of England (20/02/2018 - 20/02/2019)
The seafarers have applied to the insurance by email(01/08/2018).

Otro (29 Agosto 2018)
INFO ON M/T ORESTINA (16.08.2018)

Maritime Administration of GIBRALTAR has been notified by the Turkish Maritime Administration with the attached communication.
Investigations made by Turkish Maritime Administration on 02.08.2018 revealed the following points:
• There are 5 interim injunctions and an arrest order for the ship.
• Vessel has been at Tuzla Ada Shipyard since 21 May 2018 without any repair and maintenance.
• Shipmaster could not establish communication with the shipowner.
• There are 13 crewmembers on board. 10 of them from Russian nationality (including captain) also 1 personnel Ukranian, 1 personnel Latvian and 1 personnel from Belarusian nationality.
• Crew did not receive their 2 Months Salary of June and July.
• Sewage treatment plant of the ship is not working also gray water, black water tanks are full.
• Sewage disposal is being done by a sewage vessel that is provided by the agency.
• There is no diesel oil left in the ship therefore fuel oil used.
• Refrigerant gas used for air-conditioning and freezer is decreasing.

Info gathered from the Shipping Agency as of 03.08.2018:

• According to the captain's verbal statement, there are enough provisions on board.

• Sewage from the ship is regularly taken by the agency to prevent pollution.

• Crew are in contact with the ITF representative in Turkey and they have made the necessary legal applications regarding the non-payment of staff salaries.

• Shipmaster also is in contact with the P&I regarding the needs of the crew.

Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (2 Julio 2021)
Contact with the crew has been lost and we have no confirmation that the outstanding wages were paid. Closed.

Entered: Jueves - 8 Julio 2021 13:16:13
Última actualización: Jueves - 8 Julio 2021 13:16:52
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En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional