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Global Hawk [resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00633
Nom du navire:Global Hawk [resolved]
Pavillon:Cook, Îles
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9422859
Port d'abandon:Suakin Port, Sudan
Date d'abandon:1 mars 2022
Date de notification:6 mars 2022
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:12
Circonstances:P&I : Shipowners’ Club

Vessel Type: Chemical/Products Tanker

Outstanding wages for months of January/February 2022.
Constant delays in paying the crew wages, December wages were paid on 10th February 2022. Ships appears to be under court arrest for some conflict regarding the cargo. 2 seafarers will be soon have been on board for 15 months.
Situation concernant le rapatriement:1 avril 2022: En attente de rapatriement
Maritime Cook Islands had received evidence that the managers had started the application for the relevant visas and were arranging the flights for the two seafarers.

13 juin 2024: Rapatriés
Seafarers were repatriated
Paiement des salaires:10 mars 2022: Partiellement réglé
Maritime Cook Islands informed that the wages for January had been paid on 10/03/2022. The managers had informed Maritime Cook Islands that the February wages would be settled on the 5th of April.

13 juin 2024: Réglé
Seafarers received their outstanding wages
Commentaires et observations:Organisation maritime internationale (20 mars 2022)
Registered owner: United Arab Emirates having on board 12 seafarers from India who are abandoned in Suakin Port, Sudan on 1 March 2022 and have at least not been paid for 2 months (January and February 2022) while there are constant delays in paying the crew wages (December 2021 wages were only paid on 10th February 2022). The ships are under court arrest for a cargo conflict and 2 seafarers will soon have been on board for over 15 months. They all request to be repatriated, there are also 2 Nepalese armed guards on board. The insurer is Shipowner Club.

Autre (1 avril 2022)
Maritime Cook Islands would like to acknowledge the information received and would like to provide an update on the abandonment case.
For what concerns the outstanding wages, the wages for January have been paid on 10/03/2022. The managers have informed us that the February wages will be settled on the 5th of April.
For what concerns the repatriation, we have received evidence that the managers have started the application for the relevant visas and are arranging the flights for the two seafarers.
This Administration has contacted the vessel's P&I (which is EF Marine PTE LTD) to inform them of the current situation and to notify them that this Administration will call on them to fulfil their obligations as financial security provider, in case the vessel's owners fail to follow through with the proposed way forward.
Maritime Cook Islands will keep working with all involved parties in order to resolve the current abandonment case and will inform in due course the Organisation of any further development

Autre (5 avril 2022)
International Group of P&I Club informed that they believed the insurer was EF Marine PTE LTD and not the Shipowners Club.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (13 juin 2024)
Seafarers received their outstanding wages and were repatriated

Dernière mise à jour: vendredi - 14 juin 2024 a 18:21:14^ top

En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale