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FTM 23[resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00723
Ship name:FTM 23[resolved]
Flag:Marshall Islands
7-digit IMO no.:9598385
Port of abandonment:Lagos, Nigeria
Abandonment date:31 December 2022
Notification date:6 January 2023
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:12
Circumstances:P&I : Thomas Miller Specialty, UkP&

Type : Products Tanker

Unpaid salaries November and December
Actions taken:2 January 2023: Flag State informed
Contacted shipowner who is not responding to our messages
Repatriation status:6 January 2023: Repatriation pending
Not arranged
Comments and Observations:ITF (6 January 2023)
Company has not provided any evidence of payment and crew is asking for help to be repatriated.

Govt. of Marshall Islands (9 January 2023)
This does not appear to be an abandonment case, but rather issues involving the master. We are continuing to investigate. We have met with the vessel managers directly and received confirmation (attached) that all of the crew have been paid through November. We will revert with the results of our inspection once it has been completed.

Govt. of Marshall Islands (11 January 2023)
By way of update. We are trying to get an inspector on the vessel. Given its location, we are not certain when that will happen. However, we have issued a no sail order until such time it is inspected.

Govt. of Marshall Islands (18 January 2023)
Attached are the supply and salary receipts for the FTM 23.

Govt. of Marshall Islands (13 April 2023)
Please find attached proof of crew repatriation, wage payments, and bunker supply. Note that the Galilean 77 is the bunker supply vessel.
We request that this case is closed out.

ITF (18 July 2023)
Crew have been repatriated and outstanding wages paid

Entered: Tuesday - 18 July 2023 at 15:28:53
Last updated: Tuesday - 18 July 2023 at 15:29:15
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization