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Ghena [resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00953
Nom du navire:Ghena [resolved]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):8303989
Port d'abandon:Montevideo, Uruguay
Date d'abandon:1 avril 2024
Date de notification:14 avril 2024
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:74
Nationalités:Jordanie(2); Philippines(72)
Circonstances:P&I : Unknown

Type : Livestock Carrier

Crew have outstanding wages for 2 months
Actions entreprises:12 avril 2024: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Contacted the owners and flag state
Paiement des salaires:14 avril 2024: En attente de paiement

3 mai 2024: Réglé
The seafarers have received all outstanding wages
Commentaires et observations:Gouv. de Uruguay (14 mai 2024)
To the IMO

In reference to your email, I am pleased to inform you regarding the situation of the ship GHENA, OMI No. 8303989, as reported by Montevideo's authority.

The aforementioned ship entered the Port of Montevideo on April 15 of this year, docking at dock No. 6-7, then setting sail on April 20 of this year at 23:00 to the Port of Iskenderun, Turkey.

During her stay, she carried out a live cattle loading operation.

It should be noted that the Port authorities did not receive any communication about any irregular situation that had arisen on board from the aforementioned vessel, its crew or its maritime agency.

Saisie: lundi - 6 mai 2024 a 15:35:29
Dernière mise à jour: mercredi - 15 mai 2024 a 14:57:16
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale