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Seashine 7 [disputed]


Abandonment ID: 00964
Nombre del buque:Seashine 7 [disputed]
No. OMI:9361926
Puerto de abandono:Sharjah, UAE
Fecha de abandono:1 Noviembre 2023
Fecha de notificación:29 Abril 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:6
Circunstancias:P&I : Unknown

Type : Products Tanker

Outstanding wages of between 6-8 months. The vessel has no medical supplies and no cook
Acciones tomadas:26 Abril 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted owners, port state and flag state
Estado de la repatriación:29 Abril 2024: Repatriation pending

21 Junio 2024: Repatriated
All crew have been repatriated
Estado del pago:29 Abril 2024: Payment Pending
Comentarios y observaciones:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (29 Abril 2024)
Awaiting more information as we were contacted by the Captain the cook has already been repatriated and they are now 6 Indian seafarers on board.

Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (21 Junio 2024)
All crew have been repatriated and reportedly received their outstanding wages

The owners have not provided any evidence of payment and the crew are no longer in contact with us

Última actualización: Martes - 25 Junio 2024 14:37:29^ top

En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional