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Low Carbon


Abandonment ID: 00984
Nom du navire:Low Carbon
Pavillon:Corée, République de
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9132404
Port d'abandon:Penang, Malaysia
Date d'abandon:1 avril 2024
Date de notification:30 mai 2024
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:9
Circonstances:P&I: Unknown

Type: General Cargo

2 months outstanding wages and employment contracts only for the voyage to deliver the vessel to its new owners
Actions entreprises:5 avril 2024: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Contacted the owners, flag state and local Port state control
Situation concernant le rapatriement:30 mai 2024: En attente de rapatriement
Paiement des salaires:30 mai 2024: En attente de paiement
Commentaires et observations:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (30 mai 2024)
Vessel is now believed to be under the Comoros flag. According to crew the ship is unseaworthy

Gouv. de Myanmar (27 juin 2024)
To the IMO:

We're facing an urgent matter involving Myanmar seafarers aboard the vessel Low Carbon (IMO: 9132404).

The ship was abandoned in Penang Malaysia, on 1st April 2024, leaving nine Myanmar seafarers with unpaid wages.

We still need essential information such as their names, passport numbers, and SIRB numbers, to avoid hindering our efforts to resolve the issue with relevant SRPS companies in Myanmar.

Your assistance in providing any additional information if you have would be greatly appreciated to take prompt action for the affected seafarers.

In the meantime, we would also try to contact local maritime authorities in this regard.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Saisie: lundi - 17 juin 2024 a 17:02:04
Dernière mise à jour: jeudi - 27 juin 2024 a 14:43:14
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale