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PB 1[Inactive]


Abandonment ID: 00311
Ship name:PB 1[Inactive]
Flag:St. Kitts & Nevis
7-digit IMO no.:7611743
Port of abandonment:Callao, Peru
Abandonment date:4 March 2017
Notification date:22 September 2017
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:5
Circumstances:Crew unpaid for more than 3 months. Vessel now without fuel and in blackout. Owner in financial difficulties.
Actions taken:1 November 2017: Other
Attempts to liaise with shipowner and ship manager. Consideration of legal action. P&I previously repatriated 2 seafarers and paid USD 500 each although cover was no longer valid.
Repatriation status:1 November 2017: Repatriation pending
Payment status:1 November 2017: Payment Pending
Approx 4 months wages o/s
Comments and Observations:ITF (1 November 2017)
P&I/Abandonment Insurer: Navigators
- Insurance appears to have been cancelled due to non-payment.

Dates on abandonment insurance certificate: 28 September 2016

ITF (2 July 2021)
Contact with the crew has been lost and we have no confirmation that the outstanding wages were paid. Closed.

Entered: Thursday - 8 July 2021 at 13:17:31
Last updated: Thursday - 8 July 2021 at 13:18:02
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization