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[Maznah - Inactive]


Abandonment ID: 00039
Ship name:[Maznah - Inactive]
7-digit IMO no.:7635385
Port of abandonment:Tawau, Malaysia
Abandonment date:10 August 2005
Notification date:19 August 2005
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:21
Circumstances:Crew not paid since May 2005. Insufficient food, water and fuel since the beginning of July 2005. Vessel has been arrested 05 July by the High Court of Sabah and Serawak for unpaid bunker fees. Crew suing company for unpaid wages.
Actions taken:Other
ITF facilitated dialogue between owner and crew.
Repatriation status:Other
Crew requesting help with repatriation and recovery of wages.
Payment status:Other
No salary since May 2005.
Comments and Observations:ITF (21 January 2008)
There has been no further contact from the crew. The vessel appeared to change names in January 2006 and has now been broken up (according to Sea-Web).

ITF (16 December 2016)
Case closed but details not available

Unresolved at 06 December 2005.

Last updated: Thursday - 19 January 2017 at 11:18:49^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization