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Hua Jian 1 [disputed]


Abandonment ID: 00475
Ship name:Hua Jian 1 [disputed]
7-digit IMO no.:7908732
Port of abandonment:Fuzhou anchorage, China
Abandonment date:7 September 2020
Notification date:23 October 2020
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:11
Circumstances:P&I: None

On 29 Aug 2020 the new buyer only provide 3-week provisions on board, then there has been no contact with them since.
On 7 Sep the Master sent a letter to local MSA to report they had been abandoned by owner
Actions taken:7 September 2020: Flag State informed
Repatriation status:Repatriation pending
All 11 crew are awaiting repatriation.

Payment status:Payment Pending
All crew members have not been paid since Feb 2020.
USD 115,800 as of 31/08/2020.
Comments and Observations:ITF (23 October 2020)
July 2020 – ITF inspector in Hong Kong has been negotiating with the ship manager and the new buyer. The new buyer pledged that once they have reached the agreement with owner, he will settle all unpaid wages.

The Myanmar Embassy and the local MSA in China have been informed respectively about the case. As the negotiation is on-going, the authorities keep monitoring the case development.

05/09/2020 - Contacted the new buyer, he confirmed that they will not take over the vessel. Contacted the previous owner representative, he confirmed that he had left the company, and no one is in charge of the vessel.

08/09/2020 - Contacted a lawyer in China to assist the crew.

ITF (9 December 2020)
ITF has provided food and water to the crew in early December 2020.

ITF (13 December 2021)
On 11 Dec 2020, Chinese MSA sent salvage boat to rescue the vessel. All crew leave the vessel and had been arranged stay in hotel by MSA. On 16 Dec 2020, 10 Myanmar had been repatriated, at their own expense. On 17 Dec 2020, 1 Indonesian crew had been repatriated on Embassy cost.

Entered: Tuesday - 14 December 2021 at 03:43:06
Last updated: Saturday - 8 January 2022 at 06:44:58
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization