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Puravalan 1[resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00627
Ship name:Puravalan 1[resolved]
7-digit IMO no.:9072989
Port of abandonment:Malé, Maldives
Abandonment date:22 February 2022
Notification date:7 March 2022
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:12
Circumstances:P&I : Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ) Limited.

Stranded since December 2021. Spent periods without food or water, had help from manning agency. Currently dangerously close to running out of fuel. Salary pending as follows;
Out of 12 crew 3 (Master, Chief Engineer and Chief Officer have 4 months’ salary due till Feb 28th 2022, the rest 9 crew have having 3 months’ salary due. All crew stressed as families are struggling financially.

Insurer: Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ) Limited.
Comments and Observations:International Maritime Organisation (20 March 2022)
The crew spent periods without food or water and are currently dangerously close to running out of fuel. The Master, Chief Engineer and Chief Officer are owed 4 months wages up to 28 February 2022, the other 9 crew members are owed 3 months wages. All crew members are awaiting repatriation, and all are also incredibly stressed as families are struggling financially. The insurer is: Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ) Limited

Non-governmental Organization (20 April 2022)
All crew have been paid wages till Feb 2022. Master and Chief Officer already signed off and have reached home. 6 crew have signed off and awaiting to be repatriated, remaining 4 crew have opted to stay on board. There has been an agreement between seafarer and the companyon the wages and the case can be now closedas informed to us by the seafarers.

Non-governmental Organization (18 October 2022)
All seafarers have signed off however 5 seafarers have outstanding claims of 15,153 USD.

ITF (30 November 2022)
The Master received 388,000/- Indian rupees ( US$5,388)and third officer received 190,000 /-INR(US$2,639) on 09/04/2022 and both were repatriated to their hometown.

Entered: Thursday - 1 December 2022 at 09:38:31
Last updated: Thursday - 1 December 2022 at 09:39:01
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization