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[Alois - resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00071
Ship name:[Alois - resolved]
7-digit IMO no.:9094119
Port of abandonment:Harlingen, Netherlands
Abandonment date:25 August 2008
Notification date:1 October 2008
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Govt. of United States
No. of Seafarers:5
Nationalities:Mexico(1); United States(4)
Circumstances:Vessel owner has reportedly ceased paying crew and providing for basic necessities. Crew reports that they are relying upon local charity for their basic subsistence.
Actions taken:1 October 2008: Flag State informed
US Coast Guard officials based in Rotterdam have been in regular contact with the crew and offered to provide assistance and advised seafarers of availability of further potential assistance from US consulate. US Coast Guard officials have identified numerous safety deficiencies and have unsuccessfully attempted to work with shipowner resolve crew and safety issues.

27 November 2008: Other
Port state informs that seafarers were 4 USA nationals and 1 Mexican national. However, only 3 seafarers left on board to date.
Repatriation status:1 October 2008: Other
Crewmembers remain onboard

27 November 2008: Other
Port state reports that 2 persons repatriated and 3 persons still on board.
Payment status:1 October 2008: Other
Crewmembers report that they are due considerable unpaid back wages

27 November 2008: Other
Port state reports that one person has been paid and four persons not yet paid.
Comments and Observations:Govt. of United States (1 October 2008)
Further information will be provided as soon as it is developed and verified by the US Coast Guard

Govt. of Netherlands (27 November 2008)
Port state confirmed the case and provided updated information. Port state control officer, Harlingen Seaport, reported that the vessel was stopped because of non-payment of bills. US consulate in The Hague has been informed by the claimants.

ITF (25 November 2016)
Case resolved

Last updated: Friday - 25 November 2016 at 15:40:38^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization