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Abandonment ID: 00728
Ship name:Affinity[resolved]
7-digit IMO no.:9522570
Port of abandonment:Al Jazeera, UAE
Abandonment date:1 January 2023
Notification date:6 March 2023
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:8
Nationalities:Indonesia(6); Myanmar(2)
Circumstances:P&I : Shipowners’ Club

Type : Tug

Outstanding wages of 3 months (November 2022 – January 2023).
Some of the crew have expired contracts and have requested repatriation.
Actions taken:16 February 2023: Flag State informed
Owners, manager, flag state, UAE maritime authorities and P&I club have all been contacted.

Repatriation status:6 March 2023: Repatriation pending
Some crew have requested repatriation

Payment status:6 March 2023: Payment Pending

Comments and Observations:Govt. of Palau (15 March 2023)
As you can see in the mail on the bottom and the attached papers scanned is clear that the wages for the crew has been paid .

According on this the ship will be cancelled form the list and the data base of abandonment.

ITF (27 November 2023)
Seafarers have received their outstanding wages and been repatriated

Entered: Tuesday - 28 November 2023 at 08:44:03
Last updated: Tuesday - 28 November 2023 at 08:44:33
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization