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Judgment No. 1146



Consideration 2


The complainant was employed as a reviser and had served as de facto head of the French language Section for several years. After the Director of the Language Service retired, the Director's successor decided to bring in a system according to which the heads of Section's functions would 'rotate'. that is what the complainant objects to. The Tribunal holds that "this case is similar to Miss S.'s, which [it] dismissed in Judgment 1103. [...] As the Tribunal said [...] there is no post as Head of Section: the term is only a convenient way of denoting a reviser who at a given time has particular responsibility for performing management duties."


Jugement(s) TAOIT: 1103


post description; title of post

Consideration 7


The complainant believes that transfer of her de facto duties as head of the French Section to another reviser through rotation amounted to a disguised transfer. The Tribunal's answer is that "there was no transfer because there is no post as Head of Section as such. There was merely redivision of duties between the revisers".


transfer; post description; title of post

Dernière mise à jour: 06.11.2018 ^ haut