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Judgment No. 3168


1. WHO shall pay the complainant 500 euros in moral damages.
2. It shall also pay him 500 euros in costs.
3. The complaint is otherwise dismissed.


The complainant disputes the characterization of his service during a certain period and the date taken into account by WHO to determine his entry on duty within the United Nations system.

Consideration 13


"It is firm Tribunal case law that a staff member is entitled to an efficient internal means of redress and to expect a decision on an internal appeal to be taken within a reasonable time (see Judgments 2904, under 14 and 15, 2851, under 10, and 2116, under 11). It can be seen from the above summary of the internal appeal process that there were a number of requests for extensions of time by both parties and in some instances consented to by the opposing party. While the departure of a staff member responsible for an appeal is beyond the control of the Administration, the latter does bear the responsibility of providing adequate staffing in keeping with its obligation to provide an efficient means of internal redress."


Jugement(s) TAOIT: 2116, 2851, 2904


decision; moral injury; internal appeals body; administrative delay; internal appeal; time limit; delay; reasonable time; organisation's duties

Judgment keywords


complaint allowed; status of complainant; cause of action

Dernière mise à jour: 06.08.2020 ^ haut