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Judgment No. 3244


The application is dismissed.


The complainant applies for review of Judgment 2975 relating to termination of her employment, relying on a new fact.

Consideration 4


"As provided in Article VI of its Statute, the Tribunal’s judgments are final. Accordingly, they are subject to the application of the principle of res judicata. However, it is well settled that they may be reviewed in exceptional circumstances and on limited grounds (see, for example, Judgments 748, under 3, 1252, under 2, 1294, under 2, 1504, under 8, 2270, under 2, and 2693, under 2)."


ILOAT reference: Article VI of the Statute
Jugement(s) TAOIT: 748, 1252, 1294, 1504, 2270, 2693


application for review; res judicata

Judgment keywords


application for review; summary procedure; new fact; complaint dismissed

Dernière mise à jour: 14.08.2020 ^ haut