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> Page d'accueil > Triblex: base de données sur la jurisprudence > Par session > 116e session

Judgment No. 3265


1. There is no need to rule on the claims that the impugned decision should be set aside and that the complainant should be authorised to contribute to the Pension Scheme on the basis of the salary of a servant working full time, or on the applications to intervene.
2. Eurocontrol shall pay the complainant costs in the amount of 3,000 euros.
3. All other claims are dismissed.


The complainant having been allowed to contribute again at the full rate to the pension scheme, the Tribunal need not rule on his complaint seeking the cancellation of the decision to lower the contribution rate.

Judgment keywords


costs; amount

Consideration 11


"The Tribunal notes that the complainant, who was obliged to initiate judicial proceedings in order to obtain the cancellation of a decision which the Agency thereafter admitted was unlawful, may at all events legitimately claim an award of costs. As far as determining their amount is concerned, it must, however, be observed, on the one hand, that the proceedings in question were considerably simplified through the rapid withdrawal of the impugned decision and, on the other, that the submission of applications to intervene does not, in itself, give rise to entitlement to an award of costs. In these circumstances, the Tribunal considers it fair to award the complainant 3,000 euros in costs [...]."


procedure before the tribunal; costs

Dernière mise à jour: 06.08.2020 ^ haut