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Judgment No. 4033


The complaint is dismissed.


The complainant primarily challenges his non-selection for a post.

Judgment keywords


selection procedure; complaint dismissed

Consideration 6


The complainant requested the disclosure of documents including a copy of the selection report. The Tribunal notes that the complainant was provided with a copy of the regular and adapted selection procedures and a copy of the selection report, redacted to remove references to the other three shortlisted candidates. The complainant contends that the remaining documents were requested to inform him of the reasoning behind the decisions not to select him and to cancel the competition. The Tribunal finds that the complainant has been fully informed of the reasoning for the cancellation of the competition, i.e. procedural flaws, and as such, considering the subject of the present case, this request for documents was speculative.


confidential evidence; disclosure of evidence

Dernière mise à jour: 25.05.2020 ^ haut