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Judgment No. 4074


1. The Global Fund shall pay the complainant 30,000 Swiss francs in moral damages.
2. The Global Fund shall pay the complainant 700 Swiss francs in costs.
3. All other claims are dismissed.


The complainant challenges the decision not to review or amend the separation agreement offered to him and to terminate his appointment without the appropriate financial package.

Judgment keywords


complaint allowed; termination of employment

Consideration 15


Without descending into detail having regard to the position of the Global Fund referred to in the preceding consideration, the advancing of the practical end date of the complainant’s employment [...] was peremptory, without adequate explanation and was conducted in a way including a request that the complainant immediately leave the premises, that did not respect the complainant’s dignity. While he alleges this effect, the complainant has not proved to the satisfaction of the Tribunal any damage to his career or reputation. The complainant is entitled to moral damages assessed in the sum of 30,000 Swiss francs and which reflect that he was a senior executive brought in to assist the organisation during change and had, it clearly appears, performed at the high level expected of him. The level of damages should reflect that this was the context in which he was very poorly treated at the time he was summarily excluded from the organisation and following.


moral injury; respect for dignity

Consideration 17


The complainant seeks moral damages for the delay in the internal consideration of his grievance. The Global Fund argues this claim is irreceivable. Routinely and necessarily such a claim can only first be made in the Tribunal. The claim is receivable. The Global Fund contends the internal appeal process took 11 months, which was reasonable. The complainant draws attention to the fact that there was a period of nearly 18 months between the public delivery of the Tribunal’s judgment and the final decision of the Executive Director. Even taking that longer period, significant periods of time can be attributed to the conduct of the complainant or his counsel, particularly the time taken to respond to a Global Fund proposal concerning informal discussions to resolve the matter in the first half of 2015. The internal appeal took approximately 11 months. This is a lengthy period but, in all the circumstances including the factual and legal complexity of the proceedings, it was not unreasonable. The claim for moral damages for excessive delay is rejected.


new claim; receivability of the complaint; internal procedure; delay in internal procedure

Dernière mise à jour: 23.06.2020 ^ haut