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Judgment No. 4337


The complaint is dismissed.


The complainant challenges the rejection of her requests for reinstatement.

Judgment keywords


cause of action; reinstatement; former official; complaint dismissed

Considerations 6-7


Article II, paragraph 5, of the Tribunal’s Statute states that the “Tribunal shall [...] be competent to hear complaints alleging non-observance, in substance or in form, of the terms of appointment of officials and of provisions of the Staff Regulations”. As the Tribunal observed in Judgment 3426, consideration 16:
“Framed another way, Article II requires that a complaint must reveal a cause of action and that the impugned decision is one which is subject to challenge. Under Article II, two thresholds must be met for there to be a cause of action. First, the complainant must be an official of the defendant organization or other person described in Article II, paragraph 6. Second, Article II, paragraph 5, requires that a complaint ‘must relate to [a] decision involving the terms of a staff member’s appointment or the provisions of the Staff Regulations’ [...]” (Citation omitted.)
As the Tribunal stated recently in Judgment 4317, consideration 3, “[i]f [a] complainant does not allege the violation of rights which the Tribunal is called upon to protect under the terms of its Statute, the Tribunal cannot adjudicate on the complaint”.
In her submissions, the complainant did not identify any right to reinstatement accruing from her former employment. Indeed, an official who resigns does not have the right to be later reinstated. As well, she did not allege that the rejection of her request for reinstatement violated any terms of her former employment. The fact that she contrived and received a final decision from the Organization rejecting her unfounded request is not sufficient to make her complaint receivable before the Tribunal. As the complaint does not disclose a cause of action as required in Article II of the Statute, the Tribunal cannot adjudicate on the complaint and it will be dismissed.


Jugement(s) TAOIT: 3426, 4317


receivability of the complaint; cause of action

Consideration 7


[A]n official who resigns does not have the right to be later reinstated.



Dernière mise à jour: 19.04.2021 ^ haut