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Judgment No. 4385


1. The EPO shall pay each complainant 2,500 euros for moral and punitive damages.
2. It shall also pay each complainant costs in the amount of 400 euros.
3. All other claims are dismissed.


The complainants are permanent employees of the European Patent Office who challenge a general decision concerning tax adjustment.

Judgment keywords


complaint allowed; consultation

Consideration 1


This judgment concerns two complaints filed on [the same day] by two staff members of the EPO. The complainants’ arguments are embodied in one brief and arise from the same factual circumstances. The complaints are joined and the Tribunal will rule on them in a single judgment.



Consideration 7


[T]he complainants are entitled to compensation for the violation of the President’s obligation to consult the GAC. The Tribunal sets the compensation at 2,500 euros each for moral and punitive damages stemming from this violation.


punitive damages

Last updated: 01.04.2021 ^ top