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EPO - European Patent Organisation

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Judgment No. Session No. Full text
4130 127th Session, 2019 EN, FR
The complainant filed an application for review of Judgment 3970.
4129 127th Session, 2019 EN, FR
The complainant filed an application for review of Judgment 3893.
4128 127th Session, 2019 EN, FR
The complainant, a former staff member of the EPO who was dismissed for misconduct, requests the payment of his full salary from July 2017 onwards.
4121 127th Session, 2019 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the alleged failure to implement a decision to grant him three years’ seniority.
4120 127th Session, 2019 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not to communicate to him an investigation report concerning the payment of school fees to another employee.
4119 127th Session, 2019 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision of the President of the Office to amend the wording of a circular in respect of the age limit for the payment of a dependants’ allowance.
4118 127th Session, 2019 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the findings of the Medical Committee according to which his invalidity is not of occupational origin.
4117 127th Session, 2019 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the finding that his invalidity was not caused by an occupational disease.
4116 127th Session, 2019 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the rejection of his request for payment of an education allowance for his children.
4115 127th Session, 2019 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to downgrade him for serious misconduct.
4114 127th Session, 2019 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to downgrade him for serious misconduct.
4113 127th Session, 2019 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not to promote him and contends that the EPO breached its duty to treat him with dignity.
4112 127th Session, 2019 EN, FR
The complainant contests retroactively his promotions.
4055 126th Session, 2018 EN, FR
The complainant impugns the decision to reject his request for the payment of an education allowance for his daughter.
4053 126th Session, 2018 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to refuse her request to withdraw her resignation.
4052 126th Session, 2018 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision to subject him to disciplinary proceedings after his separation from the EPO and to impose upon him the disciplinary measure of a reduction by one third in the amount of his retirement pension.
4051 126th Session, 2018 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to dismiss him for misconduct.
4050 126th Session, 2018 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to impose on him the disciplinary sanction of relegation in step.
4049 126th Session, 2018 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the composition of the Appeals Committee which issued the opinion on the basis of which the impugned decision was taken.
4048 126th Session, 2018 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not to investigate her allegations of institutional harassment.

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Last updated: 13.02.2025 ^ top