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EPO - European Patent Organisation

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Judgment No. Session No. Full text
3778 123rd Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant impugns the rejection of his internal appeal against the EPO’s refusal to clarify his fiscal situation with the Dutch tax authorities.
3720 123rd Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant seeks the review of Judgment 3510.
3717 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the implied decision to reject his request for review of an Administrative Council’s decision introducing a new career system.
3716 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant impugns the Administrative Council’s rejection of his challenge to a decision of the Council.
3715 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant impugns the implied decision to reject his appeal challenging the fact that he was not granted a step advancement.
3714 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant impugns the implied decision of the President of the European Patent Office not to accept the findings of the Medical Committee concerning his invalidity.
3713 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainants challenge the reference value, used by the EPO to plan and measure productivity, introduced for patent examiners working in their technical field.
3712 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the refusal of the EPO to provide him with the medical opinion prepared by one of the members of the Medical Committee set up to deal with his case.
3711 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision of the EPO not to treat his internal appeal as such.
3710 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
In his six complaints, the complainant seeks to impugn the decisions to reject his internal appeals.
3702 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant contests the implied refusal to give retrospective recognition to his registered same-sex partnership.
3701 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant contests the calculation of his reckonable previous experience upon recruitment.
3700 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant contests the EPO’s refusal to provide him with a copy of the opinion of the Appeals Committee in relation to the internal appeal he had filed at the same time as the opinion was provided to the President of the Office.
3699 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to transfer him to a Senior Advisor post.
3698 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the abolition of the Audit Committee of the EPO Administrative Council.
3697 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision to reject his internal appeal against the written notification issued to him by his Director in the context of the performance appraisal process.
3696 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant contests the calculation of her reckonable previous experience upon recruitment.
3695 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant impugns the EPO’s rejection of his two internal appeals against the Ombudsman’s failure to follow the formal procedure in respect of his harassment complaint and against the President’s decision to reject that harassment complaint.
3694 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant impugns the decision to reject his appeal against the new Internal Instructions on the patent granting procedure, contending inter alia that the Appeals Committee was improperly composed.
3693 122nd Session, 2016 EN, FR
The complainant impugns the EPO’s implied rejection of his internal appeals against the decision not to grant him the expatriation allowance retroactively and the decision to cease paying him the allowance.

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Last updated: 13.02.2025 ^ top