EPO - European Patent Organisation
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Judgment No. |
Session No. |
Full text |
3692 |
122nd Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant who, at the material time, was working as a patent examiner, objects to three of his staff reports, submits that he was subjected to harassment and challenges the rejection of his request for an independent examination of several of his dissenting opinions on patent applications. |
3691 |
122nd Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainants challenge the salary deductions made following their participation in strikes. |
3690 |
122nd Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainants contest the deduction of maternity leave periods from the time taken into account for the payment of a collective reward to staff in active service during 2011. |
3632 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the application of two decisions of the Administrative Council. |
3631 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant impugns the final decision by which his internal appeal was rejected as irreceivable. |
3630 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant impugns the rejection by the EPO of her internal appeal. |
3629 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant, who questioned the authority of the person who issued a warning letter in the context of her performance evaluation, alleges workplace harassment and attacks on her dignity. |
3628 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges a decision of the Administrative Council relating to employees’ contribution to sickness insurance. |
3623 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant contests the decision to assign him to non-active status and to replace his invalidity pension by an invalidity allowance. |
3622 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainants challenge the retroactive implementation of the transitional measures accompanying the replacement of the former invalidity pension with an invalidity allowance. |
3621 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges two appointments of the President of the Office to the Internal Appeals Committee on the grounds that they were not preceded by consultation of the General Advisory Committee. |
3620 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to retroactively implement the transitional measure accompanying the replacement of the former invalidity pension with an invalidity allowance. |
3619 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant contests the rejection of her internal appeal against the decisions not to convert her fixed-term contract into a permanent contract and not to select her for a vacant permanent post. |
3618 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant, who was a member of the Internal Appeals Committee nominated by the Staff Committee, challenges a provision of the implementing rules adopted in the context of a reform of the EPO internal dispute-resolution system. |
3617 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision requiring her to undergo a medical examination during the investigation of her complaint of harassment and the dismissal of that complaint. |
3616 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision not to extend her fixed-term contract and the refusal to grant her a termination indemnity. |
3615 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges, in his capacity as a staff representative, the EPO’s practice on outsourcing. |
3614 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision not to allow her to benefit from the transitional measure accompanying the replacement of the former invalidity pension with an invalidity allowance. |
3563 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainant seeks a review of Judgment 3297. |
3562 |
121st Session, 2016
EN, FR |
| The complainants request review of Judgment 3538. |
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