EPO - European Patent Organisation
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Judgment No. |
Session No. |
Full text |
4552 |
134th Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision not to select him for the post of director of the Language Service. |
4551 |
134th Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainants contest modifications made with respect to the use of mass emails within the Office. |
4550 |
134th Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant contests the “social democracy” reform introduced by decision CA/D 2/14 and implemented in particular by Circular No. 356. |
4493 |
133rd Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision not to award him moral damages for the length of the internal appeal procedure. |
4492 |
133rd Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant seeks compensation for the alleged financial consequences of the decision taken in March 2003 to grant her an invalidity pension with retroactive effect from 1 July 2000. |
4491 |
133rd Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to dismiss her with immediate effect for serious misconduct. |
4490 |
133rd Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the amount of damages awarded for the unlawful decision not to renew her fixed-term contract as a Principal Director and to reinstate her in a lower-level post instead. |
4489 |
133rd Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the amount of moral damages paid to her by the EPO for the decision not to finalise her two performance management reports for 2011 and part of 2012. |
4488 |
133rd Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to transfer her to another post. |
4487 |
133rd Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the fact that the arrears owed to him in respect of his invalidity allowance, related benefits and unused leave following a retroactive modification of the monthly gross salary scales in December 2012 were not paid to him until January 2013. |
4486 |
133rd Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the composition of the Munich Staff Committee and of the Central Staff Committee. |
4485 |
133rd Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| Acting in his capacity as a staff representative, the complainant challenges the decision to assign different duties and responsibilities to a Principal Director without a competitive selection process. |
4484 |
133rd Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainants challenge the decisions to reject their claim for reimbursement of deductions made as from December 2015 to a compensatory allowance following their career progression and the ensuing increase in their salary. |
4483 |
133rd Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant contests the “social democracy” reform introduced by decision CA/D 2/14 insofar as it abolished the Local Advisory Committees. |
4482 |
133rd Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant contests the “social democracy” reform introduced by decision CA/D 2/14. |
4443 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant argues that the President’s withdrawal of the final decision on his appeal was unlawful, that the referral of the appeal back to the Appeals Committee was equally unlawful, and that the Tribunal was wrong in considering the list of withdrawn decisions which had been provided, without consulting him, by the EPO. |
4442 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant filed an application for review of Judgment 4329. |
4435 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant, who is a former permanent employee of the European Patent Office, challenges the deductions from his remuneration that were made in respect of his absences for strike participation as well as the lawfulness of the general normative decisions on which those deductions were based. |
4434 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainants challenge the refusal to organise a strike ballot under the new rules governing the exercise of the right to strike at the European Patent Office. |
4433 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to treat his participation in a strike as an unauthorised absence. |
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