EPO - European Patent Organisation
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Judgment No. |
Session No. |
Full text |
4432 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to accept only part of the recommendations of the Appeals Committee on his appeal against the postponement of a strike ballot by the President of the European Patent Office. |
4431 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges a decision of the Administrative Council introducing new rules for employees of the European Patent Office concerning the right to strike. |
4430 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainants challenge the new rules governing the exercise of the right to strike at the European Patent Office. |
4429 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainants challenge a statement of the President of the European Patent Office alleging defamation. |
4428 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the refusal of her request to combine a half day of absence for strike participation with a half day of leave. |
4427 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to maintain his transfer to a patent examiner post. |
4426 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision not to retroactively promote her while she was on sick leave. |
4425 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant impugns the decision to reject her request for reimbursement of the cost of her spa cure as a type A cure undergone for “absolute medical necessity”. |
4424 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the outcome of his appeals concerning absences and reduced working hours for medical reasons. |
4423 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to consider as irreceivable his request to be entitled to 12 additional days of annual leave pursuant to Article 59(1)(b) of the Service Regulations. |
4422 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainants are former permanent employees of the European Patent Office who challenge their January 2014 and subsequent payslips showing an increase in their pension contributions. |
4421 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the deductions made from her remuneration in respect of her absences due to participation in strikes. |
4420 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the Organisation’s refusal to recalculate his reckonable previous experience. |
4419 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainants contest the appointment of members of the General Advisory Committee in 2012 and 2013. |
4418 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainants challenge the Administration’s failure to respect the statutory time limit for the submission of documents to the General Advisory Committee for the purposes of consultation prior to the adoption of a New Pension Scheme and a corresponding Salary Savings Plan for employees taking up their duties with the EPO on or after 1 January 2009. |
4417 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant contests instructions she received concerning patent applications. |
4416 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision not to extend her fixed-term contract. |
4415 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant contests the decision to impose upon him the disciplinary measure of dismissal for misconduct. |
4414 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainants filed applications for review of Judgment 4195. |
4413 |
132nd Session, 2021
EN, FR |
| The complainant filed an application for execution of Judgments 3887 and 3986, and the EPO filed an application for interpretation and execution of Judgment 3887, as clarified by Judgment 3986. |
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