IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency
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Judgment No. |
Session No. |
Full text |
4955 |
139th Session, 2025
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to reject, on grounds of irreceivability, his compensation claims for what he considers to be a service-incurred illness. |
4954 |
139th Session, 2025
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to close his harassment complaint and not to provide him with a copy of the investigation report. |
4953 |
139th Session, 2025
EN, FR |
| The complainant contests the decision not to extend her fixed-term appointment. |
4952 |
139th Session, 2025
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the IAEA’s decision not to award him moral damages for its alleged mishandling of his Appendix D claim, namely his claim to have his illnesses recognised as service-incurred. |
4951 |
139th Session, 2025
EN, FR |
| The complainant filed an application for review of Judgment 4703. |
4950 |
139th Session, 2025
EN, FR |
| The complainant filed applications for review of Judgments 4753 and 4754. |
4829 |
138th Session, 2024
EN, FR |
| The complainant contests the decision to reject his compensation claim for service-incurred injury and illness as time-barred. |
4828 |
138th Session, 2024
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to close as unsubstantiated two investigations into allegations of misconduct. |
4827 |
138th Session, 2024
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision not to pay him a repatriation grant upon his separation from service. |
4756 |
137th Session, 2024
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision not to conduct an investigation into his allegation of breach of confidentiality and to deny his request for compensation. |
4755 |
137th Session, 2024
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to close the cases arising from his reports of alleged misconduct and to reject his request to be provided with an unredacted version of two investigation reports. He also claims institutional harassment. |
4754 |
137th Session, 2024
EN, FR |
| The complainant impugns the decision to close his harassment complaint. |
4753 |
137th Session, 2024
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to place on his personnel file a letter notifying him that he had committed serious misconduct for which he would have been summarily dismissed had he not separated from the IAEA, and to relevantly inform all affected individuals. |
4752 |
137th Session, 2024
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision not to grant her a special post allowance. |
4704 |
136th Session, 2023
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the determination made on his Clearance Certificate, upon his separation from service, that there was no medical reason to believe that he was incapacitated due to illness constituting an impairment to health likely to be permanent or of a long duration, as well as the decision to separate him from IAEA while on sick leave. |
4703 |
136th Session, 2023
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to close the case arising from his reports of alleged misconduct and to reject his request to be provided with an unredacted version of the final investigation report. |
4702 |
136th Session, 2023
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to appoint Mr K. to a position for which the complainant did not apply. |
4701 |
136th Session, 2023
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to defer the review of his contract’s extension. |
4525 |
134th Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the refusal of his request to be awarded monetary compensation for the material and moral injury he allegedly sustained as a consequence of the IAEA’s failure to investigate allegations of harassment made against him. |
4524 |
134th Session, 2022
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to appoint, as a development reassignment, Ms V.M. to the post of Client Relationship Manager. |
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