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121st Session,

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Judgment No. Organization acronym Extracts Full text
3572 Eurocontrol EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges his non-inclusion in the list of staff members eligible for promotion in 2013.
3571 Eurocontrol EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges Eurocontrol’s refusal to convert his limited-term appointment into an appointment for an undetermined period and the reduction of the basis for calculating his contributions to the Pension Scheme to reflect his actual working time.
3570 Eurocontrol EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to end his service on grounds of invalidity and requests his reinstatement.
3569 Eurocontrol EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant requests the payment of a differential allowance, since he contends that he temporarily occupied his superior’s post.
3568 Eurocontrol EN, FR EN, FR
Following an administrative reform at Eurocontrol, the complainants challenge the rejection of their requests for reclassification.
The complainant filed an application for execution of Judgment 3208.
3566 CDE EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant filed an application for execution of Judgment 3239.
3565 CTBTO PrepCom EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant filed an application for execution of Judgment 3162.
3564 ILO EN, FR EN, FR
The ILO filed an application for interpretation of Judgment 3157.
3563 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant seeks a review of Judgment 3297.
3562 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainants request review of Judgment 3538.
3561 WHO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant seeks a review of Judgment 3141 on the basis that a new fact has allegedly come to light.

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Last updated: 17.01.2025 ^ top