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OMS - Organisation mondiale de la santé

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Jugement n° Session n° Texte intégral
4911 138e session, 2024 EN, FR
Arguing that no express decision was taken on her claim of 15 June 2023 within the sixty-day time limit provided for in Article VII, paragraph 3, of the Statute of the Tribunal, the complainant requests, inter alia, that her medical condition be recognized as service-incurred with all legal effects flowing therefrom.
4910 138e session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant filed her third complaint on 23 September 2023, that is to say 113 days after she received notification, on 2 June 2023, of the 11 May 2023 decision.
4867 138e session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests the determination of her leave status during her absence from work as well as the decision, taken as a result of her internal appeal, not to award her moral damages and to grant her up to 2,500 Swiss francs in legal costs.
4866 138e session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not to select her for the post of Senior Adviser, Human Rights and Law, following a competitive recruitment process.
4865 138e session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not to select her for the post of Senior Advisor, Gender Equality, following a competitive recruitment process.
4864 138e session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision to withhold two months’ salary to comply with a national Court order.
4863 138e session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision not to change her annual leave to certified sick leave and to place her on administrative leave without pay from 9 October 2019 until her summary dismissal on 13 December 2019.
4862 138e session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision not to provide her with an investigation report on her sexual harassment complaint at the end of the investigation and before a decision was taken on her harassment complaint.
4861 138e session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests the alleged failure to investigate his harassment complaint.
4860 138e session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision not to renew her fixed-term contract upon expiry.
4859 138e session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision to summarily dismiss him for serious misconduct.
4858 138e session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision to summarily dismiss her for serious misconduct.
4812 137e session, 2024 EN, FR
La requérante sollicite l’octroi de dommages-intérêts pour tort moral et matériel résultant du préjudice qu’elle aurait subi en raison du comportement de sa supérieure hiérarchique et de la durée excessivement longue de l’enquête.
4764 137e session, 2024 EN, FR
La requérante conteste la décision de la révoquer pour faute grave.
4763 137e session, 2024 EN, FR
La requérante conteste la décision de rejeter sa demande tendant à ce que ses maladies soient reconnues comme imputables au service.
4762 137e session, 2024 EN, FR
Le requérant conteste la décision de le révoquer pour faute grave.
4761 137e session, 2024 EN, FR
Le requérant conteste le refus de l’OMS de reconnaître l’imputabilité au service de la maladie dont il déclare être atteint.
4760 137e session, 2024 EN, FR
La requérante conteste la non-constitution d’une commission médicale chargée de déterminer le pourcentage de sa perte de fonction permanente.
4688 136e session, 2023 EN, FR
La requérante conteste la décision de ne pas la sélectionner pour une mission de perfectionnement.
4687 136e session, 2023 EN, FR
La requérante conteste la décision de résilier son engagement après qu’elle a refusé deux mutations.

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Dernière mise à jour: 08.07.2024 ^ haut