Brazil (Sao Paulo)
Official title
Indice de Preços ao Consumidor
(Consumer Price Index).
The index is compiled monthly and relates to families with an
annual income of between 451 and 1,353 cruzeiros in 1971.
Official base
December of the previous year = 100.
Source of weights
The weights and selected items were derived from a pilot survey
conducted in May and June 1971 among middle-income families in S&atild;o
Paulo by the Institute of Economic Surveys of the University of S&atild;o
Weights and composition
Major groups
| Number of items
| Weights
| Approximate number of price quotations
| 143 | 435.3 | ...
| 1 | 86.3 | ...
Fuel, light, water, repairs, rates, domestic services, etc.
| 18 | 117.7 | ...
Cleaning materials
| 12 | 22.9 | ...
Clothing and footwear
| 7 | 64.0 | ...
Personal expenditures:
Beverages and tobacco
| 11 | 54.3 | ...
Personal services
| 6 | 16.1 | ...
Culture and recreation
| 8 | 21.2 | ...
Health and personal care
| 17 | 21.9 | ...
Other expenditures
| 4 | 22.7 | ...
| 10 | 62.8 | ...
Medical care
| 7 | 52.8 | ...
| 4 | 22.0 | ...
| 248 | 1000.0 |
Household consumption expenditure
Not available.
Method of data collection
Prices are collected by agents each day for food items and each month
for all other items, from 1,251 retail outlets and service
establishments in S&atild;o Paulo.
Not available.
Specification of varieties
Not available.
Substitution, quality change, etc.
Not available.
Seasonal items
Not available.
The index is a chain index (i.e. instead of comparing prices
for the reference month with those for the base
period, they are compared with those of the previous month), using a
formula equivalent to the base-weighted arithmetic average.
Organisation and publication
Universidade de S&atild;o Paulo, Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas:
Indice de Preços ao Consumidor
(S&atild;o Paulo).
Idem: O actual Indice de Preços ao Consumidor -
Custo de Vida da classe de renda familiar modal do Município de S&atild;o
, Relatório Preliminar No. 2.