Volume 1: Consumer Price Indices

Cameroon (Yaoundé, Europeans)

Official title

Indice des prix de détail à la consommation familiale - Familles non originaires (Retail Consumer Price Index for Non-Indigenous Families).


The index is compiled monthly and relates to European households with more than one person, in Yaoundé.

Official base

May 1966 = 100.

Source of weights

The weights and selected items were derived from a household expenditure survey conducted in Yaoundé from March to July 1965 among 91 European households with more than one person.

Weights and composition

Major groups Number of items Weights Approximate number of price quotations
Food 50373...
Beverages and tobacco 13133...
Household operation (domestic services, water, gas, electricity and household equipment) 13193...
Clothing and footwear 636...
Transport 765...
Recreation 559...
Personal and medical care 935...
Services and miscellaneous 10106...
Total 1131000...

Household consumption expenditure

Not available.

Method of data collection

Prices are collected two to three times a month by agents from retail stores for food items, and by means of monthly questionnaires addressed to various outlets and service establishments for other items. Data for domestic servants' wages are obtained from the minimum wage scales fixed by the Government.


Rent is not included as an index item, nor is it taken into account in determining the weights.

Specification of varieties

Not available.

Substitution, quality change, etc.

Not available.

Seasonal items

Not available.


The index is computed according to the Laspeyres formula as a weighted arithmetic average with fixed base, using weights corresponding to March-July 1965.

Organisation and publication

Direction de la statistique et de la comptabilité nationale: Bulletin mensuel de statistique (Yaoundé).