Volume 1: Consumer Price Indices

Czech Republic

Official title

Consumer Price Index.


The index is compiled monthly and covers the whole population of the Czech Republic.

Official base

December 1993, previous month, corresponding period of the previous year, preceding 12 months, December 1994 and average of 1994.

Sources of weights

The weights and selected items were derived from the structure of household expenditure, as obtained from the household expenditure survey conducted in 1993.

Weights and composition

Major groups Number of Items Weights Approx. No. of price quotation
Food, beverage and tobacco170327.09...
Clothing and footwear11390.88...
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels65143.67...
Furnishing, household equipment, routine maintenance of the house 10877.15...
Leisure, entertainment and culture8797.53...
Hotels, cafes and restaurants4647.25...
Miscellaneous goods and services5450.53...
Classification is adapted to the COICOP classification.

Household consumption expenditure

All money expenditure made by households in all types of shops for the purchase of food and industrial goods, catering and other services, including administrative, notarial, lawyers', juridical and local fees, and material and personal insurance.

Sample selection

Goods and services which have a significant share in the expenditure of households were chosen to be the price representatives. The item varieties are selected by the local statistical offices on the basis of centrally defined specifications. Outlets were selected on the judgmental bases.

Method of data collection

The items selected for price collection must currently be purchased by consumers, important from the point of view of consumers' expenditure and representative of certain groups of goods.

Prices are collected monthly, from the 1st to the 20th of the reference month, at selected shops and service establishments in all districts and the capital Prague. For some items with uniform prices throughout the country (electricity, gas, communication, etc.) the prices are collected centrally. The number of price quotations for each item in each municipality is 1-24 depending on its character and size of the municipality.

The index is based on prices paid for the first quality goods; prices of second-hand goods are not included in the index.


The rent index covers the rent acctualy paid ba tenants, imputed rents for owner-occupied housing, services for routine maintenance and repairs of the dwelling and housing related services. The rents are collected monthly from the institutions to which the management of dwelling is entrusted. As the rents have so far been controlled, the rent index is measured on a relatively small sample of dwellings.

The rent level depends on the size of the municipality where dwellings are located. The national average rent is computed by weighting the average rents in different size groups of municipalities. The weights represent the structure of the number of rented dwellings by municipality size. The rent paid for cooperative dwellings is calculated by weighting the regional average rents by the regional structure of cooperative dwellings. Imputed rents for owner occupied housing are based on average rent levels for cooperataive dwellings weighted by the structure of owned dwellings.

Specification of varieties

The most of the items to be priced are broadly specified. A particular variety is chosen and specified (size, make, brand, quantity, quality, etc.) by the interviewer. Services are specified in details.

Substitution, quality changes

When the selected item is no longer available in the selected outlet, the price collector makes the replacement with another variety of the same representative item. The description of the new variety should be within the description of the selected representative item. If a suitable item is not available in the selected outlet, the price collector proceeds with another outlet. The same problem arises when the outlet which serves as a reporting unit is closed down. Information on replacements of varieties or outlets is sent by the price collector to headquarters, where each case is considered individually. As a rule, insignificant differences in quality (e.g. of a fashionable character) are not taken into account. Price changes of only directly comparable varieties come into month-to month index change of the representative item.

Seasonal items

Only fresh fruit and vegetable which are available during the whole year are included in the index. For other kinds of seasonal items like clothing and footwear, the price is imputed during the off-season.


The index is computed according to the Laspeyres formula as a weighted arithmetic average with fixed base, using weights corresponding to the base period.

Average prices of the items are calculated as a weighted arithmetic mean of regional average prices (weights being the mid-year population in 1993). Exceptions are rents, enrolment fees for higher education, accommodation at undergraduate hostels, lunch at undergraduate canteens and balneological care, which are weighted by the relevant number of dwellings, students, patients, etc.

Other information

Cost of living indices for employees', farmers' and pensioners' households are also computed and published.

Organisation and publication

Czech Statistical Office

Quarterly Statistical Bulletin

Statistical Yearbook

Monthly statistics of the Czech Republic

On Internet Web site: http://www.czso.cz