Volume 1: Consumer Price Indices


Official title

Consumer Price Index


The index is computed and published monthly. The index covers the whole country and all private households residing permanently in Estonia.

Official base

1997, 1993, June 1992, 3rd quarter 1990, 4th quarter 1989 = 100

Quarterly data are available since the 1st quarter 1990 and monthly data since July 1990.

Sources of weights

Weights are derived from the national accounts statistics in combination with the data from the family budget survey. Other government and market research sources are also used on an ad hoc basis. The family budget survey covers the whole country and all types of households but institutional households are excluded.

Weights and composition

Major groups Number of items Weights Approx. No of price quotations
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 137337.94,500
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 1558.2500
Clothing and footwear 6475.22,000
Housing 27213.9500
Household goods 4958.41,500
Health 1818.6450
Transport 4265.8850
Communications 1121.5120
Recreation and culture 5263.21,200
Education 414.640
Hotels, cafes and restaurants 1431.5450
Miscellaneous goods and services 3541.2890
TOTAL 4681,000.013,000
The COICOP classification system is used since 1998.

Household consumption expenditure

Expenditures of capital nature, income in kind, home ownership, credit purchases, licence fees, insurance, income and othertaxes, remittances and gifts are excluded from the concept of household consumption expenditures. Car insurance and healthcare services are included.

Sample selection

Geographical localities (10) are selected according to their geographical position and number of inhabitants. Outlets are selected by purposive sampling, taking into account consistency and completeness of the range of items, permanency of the outlet, cooperativeness, geographical location and type of outlet.

Method of data collection

Prices are collected monthly, in the week which includes the 15th day of the month, by 27 trained price collectors. Prices are collected from different types of outlets like supermarkets, department stores, neighbourhood shops, traditional specialised shops, open air markets, etc. Discounts and sale prices are included. Free market prices for items which also have official prices and imported prices are also included in the index. Second-hand prices (except for used cars) and black market prices are not taken into account.


Owner occupied housing is not included in the index.

Specification of varieties

Knowledge of various specialists of firms and outlets are used to develop item specifications. Specification describes the most important characteristics of the good or service.

Substitution, quality changes

As far as possible, goods of exactly the same quality are priced each month. When this is impossible, adjustments are made on the basis of expert judgement of differences in quality. When a variety of a given type or quality disappears from the market it is replaced by a new one. Appearance of new products and disappearance of old products are reviewed continuously.

Seasonal items

The last available prices are usually carried forward during the off-season.


The CPI is calculated using the Laspeyres formula. Regional average prices are calculated as simple arithmetic mean of prices collected. National average prices are computed as weighted arithmetic average of regional average prices.

Other information

Next revision of CPI is planed for the year 2000.

Organisation and publication

Statistical Office of Estonia

Monthly Bulletin Estonian Statistics,

Statistical Yearbook, News Releases

On Internet web site: http://www.stat.ee