Volume 1: Consumer Price Indices


Official title

Index of Retail Prices.


The index is compiled monthly for the food group and quarterly for other groups. The index relates to all types of households permanently resident in Gibraltar.

Official base

October 1980 = 100.

Source of weights

The weights and selected items were derived from a household expenditure survey conducted between February 1979 and March 1980, covering about 221 sample households.

Weights and composition

Major groups Number of items Weights Approximate number of price quotations
Food 104330.67...
Beverages and tobacco 959.56...
Clothing and footwear 39110.00...
Durable household goods 26100.42...
Rent 12125.90...
Services 2475.39...
Transport and vehicles 17133.29...
Miscellaneous 4464.77...
Total 2941000.00...

Household consumption expenditure

Consumption expenditure for the purpose of the index includes almost all important goods and services purchased for consumption by the index population. It excludes income taxes and other direct taxes, social insurance contributions, savings and investment, contributions to pension funds and betting.

Method of data collection

Prices are collected by agents during the few days of each month. Prices for food items are collected each month from about 30 retail outlets.

Price for other items are collected each quarter from up to five outlets for each item.

The prices used to calculate the index are the prices actually charged to the consumer.


Rent data are obtained from government-owned properties and from a sample of approximately 100 private dwellings.

Specification of varieties

The specifications of items to be priced are given in terms of brand, make, quality and size, etc.

Substitution, quality change, etc.

If a new item is substituted in the index, its price is collected for three months and an average base price is calculated.

Seasonal items

Seasonality does not generally affect the availability of goods in Gibraltar.


The index is computed according to the Laspeyres formula as a weighted arithmetic average with fixed base, using weights corresponding to the base period.

Price relatives for the current and base periods are used in computing item indices.

Organisation and publication

The index is compiled by the Economic Planning and Statistics Office (Gibraltar).

Government Printer: Gibraltar Gazette (The all-item index is published quarterly and the food group index monthly).