Major groups | Number of items (a) | Weights (b) | Approximate number of price quotations |
Food and tobacco | ... | ... | ... |
Fuel and light | ... | ... | ... |
Housing | ... | ... | ... |
Clothing, footwear and bedding | ... | ... | ... |
Miscellaneous | ... | ... | ... |
Total | ... | ... | 167540 |
Note: (a) The number of items varies from 146 to 345 according to the centre.
(b) The weights differ in each centre.
Receipts in kind (whether received free or as concessions from employers or others) and gifts received were evaluated at prevailing market prices and the values were recorded as part of income and were also included in the respective expenditure blocks. For self-owned houses (home ownership) and concessional or free houses provided by employers or others, the rental values were imputed on the basis of prevailing rents in the locality for similar rented houses. No distinction was made between the treatment of durable and non-durable goods. However, since purchases of durable goods were infrequent, expenditure was recorded not only for the reference month but also for the reference year and the average monthly expenditure based on reference year values was used for deriving the weights. There was no difference in the treatment of first- and second-hand purchases. Expenditure for health care consisting of medicines purchased, doctors' services and related medical services and contributions to health schemes was included in the weighting diagram.
Prices for all items are collected each month from markets, controlled shops, fair-price shops, consumer co-operative stores (including the super bazaars), other retail outlets and service establishments, by the Field Operations Division of the National Sample Survey Organisation, a permanent field organisation for conducting large scale surveys and the regular collection of statistical data.
The prices for different commodity groups are collected on fixed days of the week as far as possible so that comparisons between two quotations from the same outlet are not affected by difference in the timing of the collection. The choice of the days on which price data for a particular commodity group are to be collected is made, keeping in view the volume of transactions on different days of the week.
The prices reported are those paid for actual transactions, inclusive of sales tax and other such charges normally payable by the consumer and net of discounts or rebates commonly allowed. Illegal (black-market) prices, hire-purchase and credit terms, second-hand purchases and trade-in of used goods are not included in price collection. Import prices as such are not included in the price collection. They are rarely, if ever, included in the consumption of index families and, in addition, there are no separate outlets where these items are regularly and exclusively available.
In addition to rented dwellings, owner-occupied and rent free dwellings are included in the overall house-rent index. The rent index calculated from the rent data for rented dwellings is used as a proxy for the rent index for owner-occupied dwellings.
The average of the rent relatives for the current six months is calculated over the immediately preceding six months for each of the rent quotations and the rent index is computed as a chain index. Average rent relatives are calculated for each stratum and the averages for the four strata are combined using the actual composition of owner-occupied and rented dwellings available from results of the household expenditure survey to derive the overall average rent relatives. The rent index for the rented and owner-occupied components is calculated as a chain index using the rent index for the previous six month period. The rent index for rent-free dwellings is fixed at 100 and the overall house-rent index is calculated on the basis of an index for rent-free dwellings and an index for owner-occupied and rented dwellings using as weights the proportion of households in the respective categories, available from the household expenditure survey.
The specifications for each commodity popular with index families were determined using both a market and a consumer level approach, and were earmarked for selected outlets for regular price collection.
fruit and vegetablesare calculated on the basis of average monthly expenditure covering all the items in the sub-groups. However, the individual item weights for the priced items in different months are calculated by distributing the weights of unpriced items to those of priced items on a pro-rata basis.
The index is computed directly for each of the centres. The All-India index is computed as the weighted average of the centre indices, using weights based on the estimated total household expenditure in the different centres, using the 1981 population census data and the 1982-83 household expenditure survey data.
Indian Labour Journal.
Monthly Abstract of Statistics.
Idem: Statistical Abstract
Labour Bureau, Simla: Indian Labour Journal