Official title
Consumer price index.
The index is compiled monthly and covers all households in the
Official base
Previous year = 100; December of the previous year = 100.
Sources of weights
Weights for the calculation of the CPI are derived from the
family budget survey and relate to the whole population. The
survey is carried out annually and covers 1,000 households.
Because of the rapid structural changes in the household consumption,
the weights are updated each year.
Weights and composition
Major groups | Number of
| Weights | Approx. No. of
price quotation
Food and beverage | ... | 62,404 | ...
Tobacco | ... | 911 | ...
Clothing and footwear | ... | 12,144 | ...
Housing, water, electricity | ... | 6,295 | ...
Furnishing, household equipment | ... | 3,417 | ...
Health services and medicines | ... | 1,829 | ...
Transport | ... | 9,208 | ...
Education and culture | ... | 2,553 | ...
Hygiene | ... | 1,240 | ...
Total | 305 | 100,000 | 7,500
Classification is adapted to the COICOP classification.
Household consumption expenditure
Household consumption expenditure refers to all financial
spending for the purchase of consumption goods and services. It
does not cover the purchase of goods and services for production
purposes, expenditure on real estate, insurance premium, payment
of interest on consumer goods purchased on credit and direct
Sample selection
The sample selection of geographical localities takes into
account the size and location of the localities. Regional and
district centres with at least 20,000 inhabitants and with highest
share in the retail turnover are selected in the sample. The
list of 305 surveyed goods and services was selected by the local
statistical offices on the basis of their importance in the
household consumption. Retail trade registers and registers of
business units are used as sampling frame for selection of
outlets. In the selection of service outlets, the focus was on
enterprises providing the largest range of services and those
most frequented by consumers.
Method of data collection
7,500 prices are collected by price collectors between the 3rd and
25th day of each month from 1,127 selected shops and service
establishments in the capital and six regional centres.
Deviation between the current and previous month's price
collection must not exceed two or three days. Prices are
observed at the moment of purchase, not by questioning. Receipts
are used for registering prices, taking taxes into account.
Where no receipt is given, the price collector may collect the
price by asking customer or retailer. Fees for medical services
are recorded at state polyclinics. The actual fee paid in cash
by an adult for a visit to a doctor is recorded. The prices of
services paid for otherwise than in cash are not recorded. For
each representative item 2-8 prices are collected. Food prices
are collected weekly, while those of manufactured goods and
services are collected once a month. Discounts, sale prices,
black market prices, hire purchases and second-hand prices are
not included in the index. Free market prices for items which
also have official price and prices of imported goods are collected
and included in the index.
The CPI group entitled rent, water and housing repair
the expenditure on accommodation, water charges and various construction
materials. Owner-occupied housing is not included in the index.
Specification of varieties
The degree of tightness of the specification depends on the
stability of the market in the region. For items where tight
specification can result in a considerable risk that a market
does not sell the item exactly as specified, specifications are
interpreted with a degree of flexibility.
Substitution, quality changes
When one item disappears from the market, the average price index
for the group is used to impute the missing price, or it is replaced by
a new variety. When the change in the physical characteristics is of minor
importance, the new price is directly compared with the last reported
price. If there are substantial differences in quality between them, a new
base price is imputed for the new item.
Seasonal items
Clothing, fresh fruit, vegetable and leisure goods and services
are treated as seasonal items. Where an item is out of season
the average index of the relevant group is used, and if there
is substantial change in the group index, the price relative
for that item remains at the level of the previous month.
CPI is computed according to the Laspeyres formula. Average of
relative prices of the same items in the same outlets in the
current and previous months is used instead of ratio of average
prices. CPIs have been computed since January 1995.
Other information
Organisation and publication
National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyzstan Republic
Statistical Yearbook of the Kyrgyzstan Republic
Monthly Bulletin Consumer Price indices and tariffs for consumer
goods and services in the Kyrgyzstan Republic
Methodology for computation of the consumer price index