Volume 1: Consumer Price Indices

Saint Lucia

Official title

Consumer Price Index.


The index is computed monthly and relates to urban, sub-urban and rural households.

Official base

April 1984 = 100.

Source of weights

The weights were derived from household expenditure surveys conducted during September-November 1982 in the Castries Administration Area, the capital city of St. Lucia, among a sample of 170 urban, 157 sub-urban and 154 rural households. The weights were not adjusted to take into account price changes between the survey period and the base period.

Weights and composition

Major groups Number of items Weights Approximate number of price quotations
Food 77467.51...
Beverages and tobacco 528.17...
Clothing and footwear 1664.97...
Housing 7135.34...
Fuel and light 444.95...
Furniture and household operation 1157.71...
Medical care 622.78...
Transport and communication 1063.48...
Recreation 632.36...
Miscellaneous 2682.73...
Total 1681000.00...

Household consumption expenditure

The classification scheme conforms with the SNA classification of household final consumption expenditure.

Method of data collection

Prices are collected by agents once a month, on the second Tuesday, from supermarkets, retail outlets and service establishments.

Electricity rates are obtained by mail questionnaires. Telephone and water rates are collected by telephone and other services by personal visits. Officers of the Statistics Office obtain item prices, brands, quality, unit, etc. from retail outlets. Prices of these basket items were collected over a period of four months and from the data collected the pricing outlets were selected.


Rent quotations for houses are collected every six months. No account is taken of owner-occupied housing in the index.

Specification of varieties

Each item has detailed specifications, such as the unit, brand, quality, etc.

Substitution, quality change, etc.

If an item disappears from the market, another item is selected and the weight remains the same but the base price is adjusted.

Seasonal items

Seasonal items are not included in the index.


The index is computed according to the Laspeyres formula as a weighted arithmetic average with fixed base, using weights corresponding to September-November 1982.

Other information

The index is calculated by the Government Statistical Department, Castries.

Organisation and publication

Government Printer: The St.Lucia Gazette (Castries).