Volume 1: Consumer Price Indices


Official title

Indice du coût de la vie (Cost of Living Index).


The index is compiled monthly and relates to low-income group families in eight major cities.

Official base

May 1972-April 1973 = 100.

Source of weights

The weights and selected items were derived from a household expenditure survey conducted in 1970-71 among low-income group families in eight major cities of the country.

:hp4.Weights and composition:ehp4.
Major groups Number of items Weights Approximate number of price quotations
Food 8354.0...
Tobacco 11.9...
Rent 15.8...
Maintenance and repairs 21.2...
Fuel, light and water 73.0...
Furniture and household linen 142.1...
Household equipment 211.5...
Clothing and footwear 348.5...
Cleaning materials, personal and medical care 195.5...
Transport and communication 126.9...
Education, recreation and miscellaneous 169.6...
Total 210100.0...

Household consumption expenditure

Not available.

Method of data collection

Prices are collected by agents from retail outlets and service establishments in eight major cities. The frequency of price collection depends on the price variability of the item.


Data on rent are obtained each quarter from a sample of three- and four-room dwellings in moderately priced neighbourhoods.

Specification of varieties

The specifications describe the quality and brand name.

Substitution, quality change, etc.

If an item is temporarily unavailable on the market, its last price is used if the price of similar products has not varied significantly; otherwise, the estimated price of the product is based on the price changes of similar products. If an item has disappeared permanently, it is replaced by a similar one or, if there is none, by an item of differing quality. In this case, a linking factor is applied, which is based on the prices observed for both products (the one that has disappeared and the new one) during the same period, on comparative production costs, on a product equally satisfactory for the consumer or on the development of an econometric model to determine quality differences.

Seasonal items

Seasonal fluctuations in the prices of fresh fruit and vegetables are taken into account by shifting monthly item weights within constant group weights and by using a three-month moving average in computing the final index.


The index is computed according to the Laspeyres formula as a weighted arithmetic average with fixed base, using weights corresponding to 1970-71.

Other information

Separate indices are also published separately for Agadir, Casablanca, Fes, Kénitra, Marrakesh, Oujda, Rabat and Tetouan.

Organisation and publication

Premier Ministre, Secrétariat d'Etat au plan et au développement régional, Direction de la statistique: Bulletin mensuel de statistiques (Rabat).

Idem: Bulletin méthodologique trimestriel, nouvelle série no. 3 (Rabat).