Volume 1: Consumer Price Indices


Official title

Price Index Numbers of Final Consumption Expenditure.


The index is compiled monthly. It covers households of wage earners and salaried employees, consisting of adults without children or with resident children without incomes, and whose family incomes in 1985 were below the wage limit for compulsory sickness benefit insurance. The index covers the whole country.

Official base

1985 = 100.

Source of weights

The weights and selected items were derived from the household expenditure survey conducted in 1985 among a sample of 962 households.

Weights and composition

Major groups Number of items Weights Approximate number of price quotations
Food 23421.3...
Clothing and footwear 1206.8...
Medical care 511.4...
Household goods 606.6...
Rent, fuel and light 4127.2...
Transport and communication 4911.4...
Education and recreation 1038.4...
Other goods and services 786.9...
Total 690100.0(a) ...

Note: (a) Every month an average number of 100,000 prices are collected (excluding rents, on which data are collected whenever there is a general rent increase).

Household consumption expenditure

Consumption expenditure for the purpose of the index comprises all consumer goods and services on which private households incur expenditure, including the purchases made from shops, department stores and other suppliers; payments for services of mechanics or craftsmen; spending in hotels, restaurants and cafés; payments for transportation and public amusements; payments for services of physicians, specialists, hospitals, pharmaceutical products and other medical care; payments for domestic services; the administrative costs of life insurance and pension funds; and spending on durable goods such as furniture, radio sets, etc. It excludes voluntary transfers by families to non-profit-making institutions; transfers within the household sector; compulsory transfers by households to the government and social insurance institutions; and savings in the form of premium payments for life insurance and pensions.

Method of data collection

Prices are collected each month on the Thursday of the week including the 15th, from selected outlets comprising market and street vendors, mobile shops, department stores, small, medium and large retail outlets, wholesalers and service establishments in 100 municipalities with over 10,000 inhabitants.

Prices are collected for about 1,200 items. Mail inquiries are used for a number of items (excluding house rent), which together account for about 38 per cent of the total weight. The prices collected are those actually paid by the consumer and include indirect taxes. Clearance sales are covered only when consumers can benefit without much difficulty and when they last for at least one week. Discounts given in cash at the time of purchase are deducted. Electricity, gas and water prices are collected from the relevant companies.


Rent data are collected by mail, mainly from house owners or administrators. Investigators collect rent data directly from the tenants of about three per cent of rented housing, as mail inquiry did not appear feasible for these cases. The rent inquiry takes place in 482 of the 702 municipalities in the Netherlands.

The purchase of dwellings by private individuals for their own use is not included in the index, but the services derived from these dwellings are considered to be part of family consumption. The value of such services is taken as corresponding to the rent of comparable rented dwellings.

Specification of varieties

There are very precise quality descriptions for all goods and services. Attention is paid to the weight, number, make, size, material (for clothing), etc.

Substitution, quality change, etc.

New products are included in the weighting scheme at the next change of base year. When an item disappears, another similar item is substituted and a linking method is used.

Seasonal items

The group weights for potatoes, fresh vegetables and fruit, flowers and indoor plants are kept constant each month. The monthly within-group weights of these groups are not those for the base year, but are based on an average ratio calculated over a number of years ending with the base year.

There are two baskets for seasonal clothing and footwear: one for the winter months and the other for the summer months. In March and September both baskets are included in the weighting scheme, each with half of the weight for this sub-group.


The index is computed according to the Laspeyres formula as a weighted arithmetic average with fixed base, using weights corresponding to the base period.

The price relative for each item is calculated by dividing the average price for the current period by the average price for the base period.

Organisation and publication

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Central Bureau of Statistics): Maandstatistiek van de prijzen (Monthly Bulletin of Price Statistics) (Voorburg).

Idem: Statistisch bulletin (Statistical Bulletin).